This role can be used to create a valid SSL-Certificate with the help of Let’s Encrypt ACMEv2 API, certbot and HTTP Challenge which is automaticly resolved and Certificate gets installed in Openresty. It is also possible to use allready received Certificates (p.e. wildcard certs). This is archived through the integration of some code from
TODO: Add simple example for existing wildcard
Openresty with application specific setup.
letsencrypt_endpoint: ''
#Staging / Test
#letsencrypt_endpoint: ''
This role does not run on its own. It is used with toni.openresty and any application role (p.e. wordpress, corteza, whatever...) This task has to be run after domain specific openresty setup and it is used from within application role. Have a look at the tasks in toni.corteza role to get a clue.
- name: set cert facts
name: toni.certificates
tasks_from: certbot_facts
certbot_server: "{{ nginx_subdomain }}{{ nginx_domain }}"
The wildcard part (tasks/main.yml & tasks/facts.yml) is based on:
The part for ad-hoc letsencrypt certificates (tasks/cerbot*) is under MIT