I'm a Software Engineer passionate about backend web development and AI. Here's a bit about me:
- π Iβm currently working on: A web app that handles renting agreements
- π± Iβm currently learning: Machine Learning Engineering for Production
- π― Iβm looking to collaborate on: AI projects
- π€ Iβm looking for help with: AI Generated Text Detection
- π¬ Ask me about: Backend Engineering with Python, GraphQL, Machine Learning
- π Pronouns: He/Him
- β‘ Fun fact: I like optimistic nihilism.
- From Jupyter Notebooks to OOP Machine Learning Projects: I refactored a single Jupyter Notebooks into object oriented code in Python, so that it can be used in real products.
- ToDo list API with FastAPI: An API for a ToDo list app as a part of a coding challenge. I used FastAPI as the main framework, Postgres for its databse, and Docker to con- tainerize them.
- Github API assistant: An LLM based assistant that answers questions related to the Github API. I used FastAPI as the main framework, FAISS for semantic search, and OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model as the LLM.
- Hotel Reservation Application in Java: A Java application with a command line interface that enables a user to create an account, check the available rooms, and make a Reservation
For more of my projects, check out my repositories.