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Posemo – PostgreSQL Secure Monitoring

Posemo is a PostgreSQL monitoring framework, that can monitor everything in Postgres with an unprivileged user, which has no access to any data. Posemo conforms to the rules of the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). It is built to check tens, hundreds or thousands of servers fast.

Posemo itself has no display capabilities, but can output the results for every monitoring environment (e.g. check_mk, Nagios, Zabbix, Icinga, …).

This is a Pre-Release!

This is now a usable pre-release with limited checks. It is not feature complete. See quick installation instructions below.

Posemo is in active development, more checks are coming!

Pull requests are welcome, feature requests too.

Starting with version 0.71, there is also a Debian package. See packages folder.

Starting with version 0.72, Posemo can also run as daemon (via

Synopsis / Examples

# Installation:
# Install Posemo in local PostgreSQL --create-database --create-schema

# Show all options, current and default values of installation programm --show-options

# Running:
# Start a simple run with default configs 

# Show all options, current and default values --show-options

# Format output pretty --pretty

# The same, explizit JSON output JSON --pretty

# Output for CheckMK, instead plain JSON CheckMK

# Run with default output (JSON), given configfile and outfile --configfile=conf/my-posemo-config.conf --outfile=results/posemo-test.json --pretty

# Run checks and generate metrics file for Check_MK
# You may use "=" --option=value, or space: --option value CheckMK CheckMK --metrics-outfile=/path/to/checkmk/metrics/posemo --outfile result.txt

# Posemo as Daemon:
# Run as daemon in background, run all 60 seconds with outfile --outfile=results/daemon-test.json

# The same, explicit start command start --outfile=results/daemon-test.json

# Daemon mode and CheckMK output start CheckMK --outfile=results/daemon-test.checkmk

# Start daemon und run checks every 5 seconds! --outfile=results/daemon-test.json --sleep-time=5

# Check, if the daemon is running. status

# Stop daemon stop

# Daemon mode understands everything from App::Daemon
# e.g. set other PID file etc. --outfile=tmp/result.json -p

HOWTOs and Manuals

User manuals

Developer manuals


Posemo is a modular framework for creating monitoring checks for PostgreSQL. It is simple to add a new check. Usually you just have to write the SQL for the check and add some configuration. It is recommended to write some tests for every check.

You may look in PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks for the checks currently ready to use.

Posemo is a modern Perl application using Moose; at installation it generates PostgreSQL functions for every check. These functions are called by an unprivileged user who can only call these functions, nothing else. But since they are SECURITY DEFINER functions, they run with more privileges (usually as superuser, and since PostgreSQL 10 as a user, which is member of pg_monitor). You need a superuser for installation, but checks can run (from remote or local) by an unprivileged user. Therefore, the monitoring server need no access to your databases, no access to PostgreSQL internals; it can't change or read your data – it can only call some predefined functions.

For a simple check you may look below at the SimpleAlive Check, which simply returns always true. It uses a lot of defaults from PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks and sugar from PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::ChecksHelper:

package PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks::SimpleAlive; # by Default, the name of the check is build from this package name

use PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::ChecksHelper;            # enables Moose, exports sugar functions; enables strict&warnings
extends "PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks";            # We extend our base class ::Checks

check_has code => "SELECT true";                           # This is our check SQL!

1;                                                         # every Perl module must return (end with) a true value

(The real Alive check has more code, because it's the only one, which catches connection errors by itself.)

A more advanced check is BackupAge check, which checks how long a backup is running and returns the seconds as integer:

package PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks::BackupAge;  # same as above ...

use PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::ChecksHelper;
extends "PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks";

check_has                                                 # here more options and Code/SQL for the check
   return_type => 'integer',
   result_unit => 'seconds',
   code        => "SELECT CASE WHEN pg_is_in_backup()
                               THEN CAST(extract(EPOCH FROM statement_timestamp() - pg_backup_start_time()) AS integer)
                               ELSE NULL
                          AS backup_age;";


For a lot more examples see the full documentation about writing modules, the existing modules in lib/PostgreSQL/SecureMonitoring/Checks and the base class PostgreSQL::SecureMonitoring::Checks (in lib/PostgreSQL/SecureMonitoring/

PostgreSQL Roles

Posemo needs two roles (users): one superuser as owner of all check functions (or beginning with PostgreSQL 10.0: a user, which is member of pg_monitor) and an unprivileged user, which only can call the check functions. You can create this users at installation time automatically or manually by yourself. Each role should have the most least privileges.


Posemo is written in modern Perl and is tested with 5.16 and up, but should also work with ancient versions down to 5.10. It needs some Perl modules as dependencies. Currently it is not available on CPAN or as package, so it doesn't install all dependencies automatically.

  • Perl is usually installed by your OS. Some Linux distributions deliver broken Perl packages and maybe you should install the perl default modules perl-modules.
  • If you don't want to (or can't) install all dependencies with the package manager of your OS, it may be better to install your own Perl to avoid conflicts with system packages. The best way is to use perlbrew for this. The latest Perl without ithreads is fine.
  • Posemo is not tested on Windows, but should work with Strawberry Perl

Perl modules

The following instructions assume, that you have a fresh perlbrew Perl installed, which is recommended at least for development. (A list of Debian/Ubuntu packages is in the file Build.PL at the end, this should work.)

You find a list of all dependencies in Build.PL.

Posemo uses Module::Build for building and testing. This is not included anymore in newer Perl versions, so you have to install it manually:

$ cpan Module::Build

Pull the latest version of Posemo and install all dependencies:

perl Build.PL               # generate Build script
./Build prereq_report       # (optionally) show depencencies
./Build installdeps         # install all depencencies

Sometimes some CPAN modules install/test not correctly; then you may run installdeps multiple times or install missing modules manually:

cpan Missing::ModuleName

When all dependencies are installed, you may start the tests, see below.

Running Posemo Checks

Before running Posemo, all the check functions must be installed in a database. It is also recommended to use an own user and superuser only for the checks. The Posemo installer does everything. To install all checks with on the local host:

$ bin/ --create_database --create_superuser --create_user
INFO : Install Posemo and Checks
INFO : INSTALL: create monitoring database 'monitoring'
INFO : INSTALL: create monitoring superuser 'monitoring_admin'
INFO : INSTALL: create monitoring user 'monitoring'
INFO : Install all check functions
INFO : Install all checks
INFO :   => Check Activity
INFO :   => Check Alive
INFO :   => Check BackupAge
INFO :   => Check Writeable
INFO : Posemo installed.

You can see all options with a short description via --help (Short: -h) or with default values via --show_options.

Now you can run the checks with

$ bin/ --pretty --outfile=monitoring-result.json
INFO : Run check Activity for host localhost
INFO : Run check Alive for host localhost
INFO : Run check Backup Age for host localhost
INFO : Run check Writeable for host localhost

You can see all options with a short description via --help (Short: -h) or with default values via --show_options.

The result is now in the outfile; if no outfile is given, then output goes to STDOUT. Messages (INFO, …) go to STDERR, so you can redirect them both.

For more complex configuration look into the examples in conf/ or the tests in t/.

Test Driven Development

For development, you usually don't run the real checks, but the test environment. It installs everything in a clean temporary PostgreSQL database (test files t/[01]*) and cleans it up after testing (test files t/99*).

For testing you need a local PostgreSQL installation. We use a new testing module for starting/stopping/... PostgreSQL instances called Test::PostgreSQL::Starter, which is included (but will be a separate CPAN module later).

The pgTAP PostgreSQL extension (pgTAP code on GitHub) is necessary too (installed in the local Postgres-Installation).

To start all the tests run:

./Build test               # at first time, you need to run perl Build.PL first

Developers should set the environment variable TEST_AUTHOR to a true value.

You may want run only some tests:

./Build test test_files=t/[01]*       verbose=1   # install test server, verbose output
./Build test test_files=t/501-alive.* verbose=1   # runs tests of the alive check
./Build test test_files=t/99*         verbose=1   # stop test server


Posemo is written by Alvar C.H. Freude, 2016–2018.

[email protected]

Contributions are welcome!


Posemo is released under the PostgreSQL License, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses.



PostgreSQL Secure Monitoring







No packages published


  • Perl 98.9%
  • Python 1.1%