git clone
cd RNAseq
make all
If one of the above commands fail your operating system probably lacks some build essentials. These are usually pre-installed but if you lack them you need to install these. For instance, for Ubuntu this would require:
apt-get install build-essential g++ git wget unzip
Download STAR GRCh37.75 genome
cd genome/ && ./
Download the GTF annotation file
cd gtf/ && ./
Download the 1000 Genomes Reference Panel for allele-specific expression
cd refpanel/ && ./
To perform alignment, generate browser tracks, and call variants you can use the RNA wrapper script.
./src/ ERR188040_1.fastq.gz ERR188040_2.fastq.gz HG00096
This script also phases variants against the 1000 Genomes reference panel and generates an allele-specific count table.
To run an entire sample from the gEUVADIS data set
cd example/ && ./