A computer vision playground to try and test end to end(test to deploy) computer vision pipeline.
Buildpack to compile and deploy your Flutter project on Heroku.
KoiVM,EazVM,AgileVM Patcher Por "Team Venturi77"
This is for all the fucking coons that don't know basic C# in the Authgg server and won't stop begging me to make a winforms example. It literally takes 5 minutes. If you cant understand the code y…
This Project is intended to create a web scraper. Web scrappers are extensively used in the industry today for competitive pricing, market studies, customer sentiment analysis, etc. In this case, a…
Google Drive - encrypted folder copy.Copy Google drive files to your google drive.
MLab's free plan did not provide periodic backups.. i made my own !
a Simple URL shortner made with .Net Core 3.1 and React hosted on a Docker container in Heroku
A Dockerfile to deploy ocsigenserver to Heroku.
Simple bot that checks websites every minute, e.g. to detect in-stock events, you can run for free on Heroku.
Personal WordPress boilerplate based-on Bedrock by Roots.
👽 Program for remote control of windows computers via telegram bot. Written in C#
stream service made by Node.js, using Postgress and heroku
whatsapp message automation using python ,Twillo,heroku,APScheduler
Preset for deploying an Offen Fair Web Analytics instance to Heroku
Installs dependencies needed in order to run puppeteer on heroku.
Dice Game App. Hosted in Heroku. Sprin Boot and Thymeleaf
ConMoney developed to manage the money of users and showing the balance on your credits and debits 🌐 💰
A starter application based on Ruby 2.4, Rails 4.2 and Bootstrap for Sass 3, deployable on Heroku
The api "" when visited, returns an array of 10 users in json form(I advise you visit the adress in your browser to see and study the file structure). Task:…