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The file compiler.
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Currently incomplete, does not deal with defstruct.
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froggey committed Apr 26, 2012
1 parent e82dc47 commit 083f5b1
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Showing 4 changed files with 427 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions bootstrap/file-compiler.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,3 +105,288 @@ NOTE: Non-compound forms (after macro-expansion) are ignored."
(t (when (eql mode :compile-time-too)
(funcall eval-fn expansion env))
(funcall load-fn expansion env))))))

(defvar *compile-verbose* t)
(defvar *compile-print* t)

(defun compile-file-default-output (input-file)
(make-pathname :type "llf" :defaults input-file))

(defconstant +llf-end-of-load+ #xFF)
(defconstant +llf-backlink+ #x01)
(defconstant +llf-function+ #x02)
(defconstant +llf-cons+ #x03)
(defconstant +llf-symbol+ #x04)
(defconstant +llf-uninterned-symbol+ #x05)
(defconstant +llf-unbound+ #x06)
(defconstant +llf-string+ #x07)
(defconstant +llf-setf-symbol+ #x08)
(defconstant +llf-integer+ #x09)
(defconstant +llf-invoke+ #x0A)
(defconstant +llf-setf-fdefinition+ #x0B)
(defconstant +llf-simple-vector+ #x0C)
(defconstant +llf-character+ #x0D)

(defun write-llf-header (output-stream input-file)
;; TODO: write the source file name out as well.
(write-sequence #(#x4C #x4C #x46 #x00) output-stream)) ; LLF\x00

(defun check-llf-header (stream)
(assert (and (eql (read-byte stream) #x4C)
(eql (read-byte stream) #x4C)
(eql (read-byte stream) #x46)
(eql (read-byte stream) #x00))))

(defun save-integer (integer stream)
(do ()
((zerop (logand integer (lognot #x7F)))
(write-byte integer stream))
(write-byte (logior #x80 (logand integer #x7F))
(setf integer (ash integer -7))))

;;; FIXME: This should allow saving of all attributes and arbitrary codes.
(defun save-character (character stream)
(let ((code (char-code character)))
(assert (zerop (char-bits character)) (character))
(assert (and (<= 0 code #x1FFFFF)
(not (<= #xD800 code #xDFFF)))
(cond ((<= code #x7F)
(write-byte code stream))
(t (error "TODO character ~S." character)))))

(defgeneric save-one-object (object object-map stream))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object function) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-function+ stream)
(write-byte (function-tag object) stream)
(save-integer (function-code-size object) stream)
(dotimes (i (function-code-size object))
(write-byte (function-code-byte object i) stream))
(save-object (function-fixups object) omap stream)
(save-integer (function-pool-size object) stream)
(dotimes (i (function-pool-size object))
(save-object (function-pool-object object i) omap stream)))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object cons) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-cons+ stream)
(save-object (cdr object) omap stream)
(save-object (car object) omap stream))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object symbol) omap stream)
(cond ((symbol-package object)
(write-byte +llf-symbol+ stream)
(save-integer (length (symbol-name object)) stream)
(dotimes (i (length (symbol-name object)))
(save-character (char (symbol-name object) i) stream))
(save-integer (length (package-name (symbol-package object))) stream)
(dotimes (i (length (package-name (symbol-package object))))
(save-character (char (package-name (symbol-package object)) i) stream)))
((get object 'setf-symbol-backlink)
(write-byte +llf-setf-symbol+ stream)
(save-object (get object 'setf-symbol-backlink) omap stream))
(t (write-byte +llf-uninterned-symbol+ stream)
(save-integer (length (symbol-name object)) stream)
(dotimes (i (length (symbol-name object)))
(save-character (char (symbol-name object) i) stream))
;; Should save flags?
(if (boundp object)
(save-object (symbol-value object) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-unbound+ stream))
(if (fboundp object)
(save-object (symbol-function object) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-unbound+ stream))
(save-object (symbol-plist object) omap stream))))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object string) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-string+ stream)
(save-integer (length object) stream)
(dotimes (i (length object))
(save-character (char object i) stream)))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object integer) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-integer+ stream)
(save-integer object stream))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object vector) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-simple-vector+ stream)
(save-integer (length object) stream)
(dotimes (i (length object))
(save-object (aref object i) omap stream)))

(defmethod save-one-object ((object character) omap stream)
(write-byte +llf-character+ stream)
(save-character object stream))

(defun save-object (object omap stream)
(let ((id (gethash object omap)))
(when id
(write-byte +llf-backlink+ stream)
(save-integer id stream)
(return-from save-object))
(setf (gethash object omap) (hash-table-count omap))
(save-one-object object omap stream)))

(defun fastload-form (form omap stream)
(cond ((and (listp form)
(= (list-length form) 4)
(eql (first form) 'funcall)
(equal (second form) '(function (setf fdefinition)))
(listp (third form))
(= (list-length (third form)) 2)
(eql (first (third form)) 'function)
(listp (second (third form)))
(eql (first (second (third form))) 'lambda)
(listp (third form))
(= (list-length (fourth form)) 2)
(eql (first (fourth form)) 'quote))
;; FORM looks like (FUNCALL #'(SETF FDEFINITION) #'(LAMBDA ...) 'name)
(write-byte +llf-setf-fdefinition+ stream)
(save-object (compile nil (second (third form))) omap stream)
(save-object (second (fourth form)) omap stream)
((and (listp form)
(= (list-length form 2))
(eql (first form) 'quote))

(defun compile-file (input-file &key
(output-file (compile-file-default-output input-file))
(verbose *compile-verbose*)
(print *compile-print*)
(external-format :default))
(with-open-file (input-stream input-file :external-format external-format)
(with-open-file (output-stream output-file
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:if-exists :supersede
:direction :output)
(format t ";; Compiling file ~S.~%" input-file)
(write-llf-header output-stream input-file)
(let ((*package* *package*)
(*readtable* *readtable*)
(*compile-verbose* verbose)
(*compile-print* print)
(omap (make-hash-table))
(eof-marker (cons nil nil)))
(do ((form (read input-stream nil eof-marker)
(read input-stream nil eof-marker)))
((eql form eof-marker))
(format t ";; Compiling form ~S.~%" form)
;; TODO: Deal with lexical environments.
(handle-top-level-form form
(lambda (f env)
(assert (not env))
(or (fastload-form f omap output-stream)
(progn (write-byte +llf-invoke+ output-stream)
(save-object (compile nil `(lambda () (progn ,f)))
omap output-stream))))
(lambda (f env)
(assert (not env))
(eval f))))
(write-byte +llf-end-of-load+ output-stream)))))

(defun load-integer (stream)
(do* ((b (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream))
(shift 0 (+ shift 7))
(value (logand b #x7F)
(logior value (ash (logand b #x7F) shift))))
((not (logtest b #x80))

(defun load-character (stream)
(let ((lead-byte (read-byte stream)))
(when (logtest lead-byte #x80)
(error "TODO: non-ascii utf-8 sequence"))
(code-char lead-byte)))

(defun load-ub8-vector (stream)
(let* ((len (load-integer stream))
(seq (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(read-sequence seq stream)

(defun load-vector (stream omap)
(let* ((len (load-integer stream))
(seq (make-array len)))
(dotimes (i len)
(setf (aref seq i) (load-object stream omap)))

(defun load-string (stream)
(let* ((len (load-integer stream))
(seq (make-array len :element-type 'character)))
(dotimes (i len)
(setf (aref seq i) (load-character stream)))

(defun llf-next-is-unbound-p (stream)
(let ((current-position (file-position stream)))
(cond ((eql (read-byte stream) +llf-unbound+)
(t (file-position stream current-position)

(defun load-one-object (command stream omap)
(ecase command
(let* ((tag (read-byte stream))
(mc (load-ub8-vector stream))
(fixups (load-object stream omap))
(constants (load-vector stream omap)))
(make-function-with-fixups tag mc fixups constants)))
(let* ((cdr (load-object stream omap))
(car (load-object stream omap)))
(cons car cdr)))
(let* ((name (load-string stream))
(package (load-string stream)))
(intern name package)))
(let* ((name (load-string stream))
(sym (make-symbol name)))
(unless (llf-next-is-unbound-p stream)
(setf (symbol-value sym) (load-object stream omap)))
(unless (llf-next-is-unbound-p stream)
(setf (symbol-function sym) (load-object stream omap)))
(setf (symbol-plist sym) (load-object stream omap))
(#.+llf-string+ (load-string stream))
(let ((symbol (load-object stream omap)))
(function-symbol `(setf ,symbol))))
(#.+llf-integer+ (load-integer stream))
(#.+llf-simple-vector+ (load-vector stream omap))
(#.+llf-character+ (load-character stream))))

(defun load-object (stream omap)
(let ((command (read-byte stream)))
(case command
(values nil t))
(let ((id (load-integer stream)))
(assert (< id (hash-table-count omap)) () "Object id ~S out of bounds." id)
(values (gethash id omap) nil)))
(values (funcall (load-object stream omap)) nil))
(let ((fn (load-object stream omap))
(name (load-object stream omap)))
(funcall #'(setf fdefinition) fn name)))
(#.+llf-unbound+ (error "Should not seen UNBOUND here."))
(t (let ((id (hash-table-count omap)))
(setf (gethash id omap) '"!!!LOAD PLACEHOLDER!!!")
(let ((obj (load-one-object command stream omap)))
(setf (gethash id omap) obj)
(values obj nil)))))))

(defun load-llf (stream)
(check-llf-header stream)
(let ((object-map (make-hash-table)))
(loop (multiple-value-bind (object stop)
(load-object stream object-map)
(declare (ignore object))
(when stop
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions genesis/dump.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,11 @@
:constants (strip-array-header constants)
:fixups fixups)))

(defbuiltin make-function-with-fixups (tag mc fixups constants)
(make-genesis-function :assembled-code mc
:fixups fixups
:constants constants))

(defun generate-dump-layout (undefined-function-thunk &optional extra-static-objects)
"Scan the entire Genesis environment, creating a final memory layout for a dump image."
(let ((static-objects (make-hash-table))
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