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AI Telegram Chatbot

Telegram bot based on gramjs and gemini-pro using 'advanced' AI technologies to annoy chat participants.

The bot requires a real Telegram account and is not managed by BotFather. See how it works.


  1. Install Bun
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Rename .env.example to .env
  4. Generate API_ID and API_HASH here
  5. Generate SESSION key Learn how or run bun scripts/getSession.js
  6. Get your GAPI key here
  7. Login as a bot and send a message to @RawDataBot. Use as BOT_ID
  8. In .env set your BOT_USERNAME to your bot username including @

After completing the above steps, you can proceed with the following commands:

# Install
bun install

# Start
bun start


Customize the bot's behavior by editing the app/config.ts file. Key configuration options include:

  • isTelegramPremium: Enable automatic transcription of media messages if your bot account has Telegram premium.
  • maxHistoryLength: Set the maximum length of chat history passed to the bot. Longer histories result in more expensive API calls.
  • featureFlags: Enable/disable feature flags.
  • pollTimeoutMs: Poll timeout before kick. In milliseconds, so change only first value. e.g. 5 * 60 * 1000 is 5 minutes.
  • maxHistoryLength: Conversation length for the bot to know context. Longer histories result in more expensive API calls.
  • genAImodelName: Gemini api model to use.
  • safetySettings: Safety, always off. See safety settings.
  • generativeModelOptions.systemInstruction: Default bot behavior. Modify as you want.


Always Replies:

When you reply to the bot's message, it will always respond.

Reply to Tag:

If you reply to a person's message and tag the bot, it will reply to that person.

Mentioning the Bot:

Mentioning the bot will trigger a reply.


  • /recap - Generates a summary of the recent conversation based on the provided message limit value. Example: /recap 200
  • /clear - Clears the chat bot's history file. This command is useful for debugging purposes or when bot acts silly.
  • /scan - Requires channel admin rights. Scans for inactive chat participants and removes them.
  • /votekick - Requires channel admin rights. Proposes a vote to kick chat participant. Kicks a user if vote passes. Example: /votekick @user
  • /users - Prints csv ready info about chat participants. KGB uses same functionality to track you in public chats so be aware.

Hosting does everything out of the box and supports Bun.