This is a collection of 6809 assembly language sources (and the C source code for a 6809 assembler) which allow one to fully build all "rom" images for variations of the TRS-80 Color Computer. The built rom images can be used with emulators such as mame that can fully simulate a running TRS-80 Color Computer.
Most of this has been collected from internet sources. Of particular note is the classic "Unravelled" series of books which was the origin of most of the assembly code.
file | description | |
a09.c | a 6809 assembler | slightly modified from the original found here |
Makefile | instructions for building via make | (just run "make" to build all rom version permutations) |
cocodefs.asm | symbol definitions for Color Computer | (memory map and constants - used during assembly) |
bas.asm | assembly source for Color Basic | (can build versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2.0) |
extbas.asm | assembly source for Exended Color Basic | (can build versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0) |
disk.asm | assembly source for Disk Basic | (can build versions 1.0 and 1.1) |
supbas.asm | assembly source for Super Color Basic | (can build version 2.0) |
non-standard-changes-for-asm6809.patch | ROM asm changes for asm6809 assembler | To build using the asm6809 assembler, apply patch and edit makefile |
non-standard-changes-for-lwasm.patch | ROM asm changes for lwasm assembler | To build using the lwasm assembler, apply patch and edit makefile |
non-standard-changes-for-mamou.patch | ROM asm changes for mamou assembler | To build using the mamou assembler, apply patch and edit makefile |
non-standard-changes-for-vasm.patch | ROM asm changes for vasm oldstyle assembler | To build using the vasm assembler, apply patch and edit makefile | | this README file | you are here. |
This was all put together under linux, but it should be straightforward enough to build everything on other platforms. For windows, msys2, cygwin, or wsl may be helpful.
When you run make
the a09 assembler is compiled and is then used to build the rom files. Afterwards, you should have all of the following files (named as specified for use with mame). The Makefile includes expected SHA-1 hashes for the roms and compares them all (via "sha1sum") after assembling to ensure they match bit-for-bit the original contents of the machine ROMs.
file | description | |
bas10.rom | Color Basic 1.0 | $A000 to $BFFF in TRS-80 rom |
bas11.rom | Color Basic 1.1 | $A000 to $BFFF in TRS-80 rom |
bas12.rom | Color Basic 1.2 | $A000 to $BFFF in TRS-80 rom |
bas13.rom | Color Basic 1.3 | $A000 to $BFFF in TRS-80 rom |
bas20.rom | Color Basic 2.0 | $A000 to $BFFF in TRS-80 rom |
extbas10.rom | Extended Color Basic 1.0 | $8000 to $9FFF in TRS-80 rom |
extbas11.rom | Extended Color Basic 1.1 | $8000 to $9FFF in TRS-80 rom |
extbas20.rom | Extended Color Basic 2.0 | $8000 to $9FFF in TRS-80 rom |
disk10.rom | Disk Basic 1.0 | $C000 to $DFFF in TRS-80 rom |
disk11.rom | Disk Basic 1.1 | $C000 to $DFFF in TRS-80 rom |
supbas20.rom | Super Basic 2.0 | $C000 to $FFFF in TRS-80 rom |
supbas20p.rom | Super Basic 2.0 (pal) | $C000 to $FFFF in TRS-80 rom |
coco3.rom | Full Color Computer 3 ROM image | (concatenation of extbas20.rom, bas20.rom, supbas20.rom) |
coco3p.rom | Full Color Computer 3 (PAL) ROM image | (concatenation of extbas20.rom, bas20.rom, supbas20p.rom) |
*.lst | assembly listings | full listings for each assembled rom (for information only) |
auto_* | preprocessed files | (just used during assembly - you can delete them) |
a09 | the compiled 6809 assembler itself |
Running make clean
will remove all the built files.