- New York
A tiny CLI tool to help save costs in development environments when you're asleep and don't need them!
Simple BitTorrent client made in Python - Use for learning
Gustavo Niemeyer’s geocoding system
A compiler for GOTO++, the best language in the universe.
Find your Facebook friends' Tinder profiles. Don't actually use this by the way that's weird. Not even in a good way.
🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
Exploitation Framework for Embedded Devices
evshiron / nw-builder
Forked from nwutils/nw-builderLets you build your NW.js apps for mac, win and linux via cli. It will download the prebuilt binaries for a newest version, unpacks it, creates a release folder, create the app.nw file for a specif…
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
Easy & Wicked Fast spreadsheets for the web
Easy unit testing in node.js and the browser, based on the assert module.
Lightweight ES6 Promise polyfill for the browser and node. A+ Compliant
a lightweight promise library optimized for node.js
node.js command-line interfaces made easy
Skeleton project for the Nintendo Entertainment System
tomlandia / tinderplusplus
Forked from 9629831527/tinderplusplusTinder++
List GitHub projects trending on Hacker News without distractions.
The Simplest AngularJS Google Maps V3 Directive
official desktop repository of original popcorn time lighweight
PiCAST turns your $35 Raspberry Pi in to a Chromecast like Device.
jekyll minimal theme (for blog posts with archive and feed)
darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer