Scripts organised into various categories.
Move this repo to ~/.local/scripts
and the following command to your shell rc file:
export PATH="$(find "$HOME/.local/scripts" -type d | grep -v "^.$\|.git\|pycache" | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//'):$PATH"
- Faciltating LAMMPS, Gromacs, OpenMM file creation for classical and polarisable molecular dynamics
- Analysis scripts, written to be file agnostic through the MDAnalysis and MDTraj python libraries, with specific scripts for desalination-type simulations
- Scripts to process FMO PIEDA and Psi4 SAPT calculations, along with polarisabilities for polarisable MD
- quick plotting via gnuplot
- various other utilities related to comp chem, for example converting GAMESS output into a molden-compatible format
- Scripts that work with the SLURM and PBS job schedulers
- Various shell scripts / python utility functions
- Unicode character selection via fzf (useful for Alacritty)