- Linux of some description
- PHP 5.3+
- PHP Curl
- Vimeo account
- Register a new application with Vimeo; be sure to request uploader access
- Download and extract the code
- Copy config.example.ini to config.ini
- Once your Vimeo application is approved update the consumer_key and consumer_secret settings in config.ini
- Run ./Scripts/Authorize.php and follow the instructions
You may either upload a single video:
./Scripts/UploadSingle.php /path/to/video/file.mp4
Or upload videos from a directory:
./Scripts/UploadMultiple.php /directory/full/of/videos
All executable files in ./Hooks/Preupload will be executed before a video is uploaded. Each hook will be given the full path to the video being uploaded as its only argument.
If any hooks have a non-zero return code the video will not be uploaded.
If the upload succeeds: all executable files in ./Hooks/Postupload will be executed. Each hook will be given the full path to the uploaded video as its only argument.
The suggested use-case for hooks is to store an MD5 hash of a file post-upload, and checking if the MD5 hash of a file has already been stored on pre-upload to avoid uploading the same video twice. Some example hooks written in PHP are provided that do just this; albeit in a simplistic manner.
- The script will always check your upload quota before uploading videos
- GetID3 is used for getting video title and description/comment