OpenVoice Public
Forked from myshell-ai/OpenVoiceInstant voice cloning by MyShell.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2024 -
detectron2 Public
Forked from facebookresearch/detectron2Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation research platform for object detection and segmentation.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2019 -
deep-learning Public
Forked from udacity/deep-learningRepo for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundations program.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2017 -
react-webgl-globe-viz Public
Very quick example of visualizing data on a WebGL globe using React. This currently displays the countries that ADP operates in around the world. Credit: https://github.com/zhxnlai/react-webgl-glob…
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 25, 2015 -
EmptyBox Public
Forked from christianalfoni/EmptyBoxA complete isomorphic hackable blog service based on React JS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 4, 2015 -
react-hot-boilerplate Public
Forked from gaearon/react-hot-boilerplateMinimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2015 -
mean Public
Forked from meanjs/meanMEAN.JS - Full-Stack JavaScript Using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js -
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 7, 2015 -
mongodb-fs Public
Forked from vladlosev/mongodb-fsfake mongodb server for nodejs
JavaScript UpdatedOct 17, 2014 -
chef-golang Public
Forked from sous-chefs/golangInstalls go programming language
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 14, 2014 -
cookbook-app Public
A relatively generic development environment VM for working with node.js or Go. Uses Vagrant, Chef, Berkshelf and Docker.
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 9, 2014 -
packer-templates Public
Forked from shiguredo/packer-templatesPacker templates.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2014 -
meteor-winston Public
Meteor wrapper for winston logging library (https://github.com/flatiron/winston.git)
meteor-winston-airbrake Public
Wrapper for using winston-airbrake with Meteor
amqp-client Public
Forked from sstone/amqp-clientSimple fault-tolerant AMQP client written in Scala and based on Akka and the RabbitMQ java client
Scala MIT License UpdatedAug 8, 2013 -
everyauth Public
Forked from bnoguchi/everyauthnode.js auth package (password, facebook, & more) for Connect and Express apps
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2012 -
awsbox-proxy-server Public
reverse proxying implementation in nodejs template for awsbox
JavaScript UpdatedNov 15, 2012 -
data Public
Forked from emberjs/dataA data persistence library for Ember.js.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2012 -
mongoose-troop Public
Forked from tblobaum/mongoose-troopAdditional handy plugins for your mongoose schemas.
mongoose-types Public
Forked from bnoguchi/mongoose-typesAdditional handy types for mongoose
winston-loggly Public
Forked from winstonjs/winston-logglyA Loggly transport for winston
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 31, 2012 -
expressling Public
Forked from ladjs/ladOpen source node.js + express application framework.