This project is about creating a reporting tool that parse a database containing data about news articles. You can download the database and VM in the prereq section. This repo only containing the reporting tool.
1. What are the most popular three articles of all time? Which articles have been accessed the most? Present this information as a sorted list with the most popular article at the top.
2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time? That is, when you sum up all of the articles each author has written, which authors get the most page views? Present this as a sorted list with the most popular author at the top.
3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors? The log table includes a column status that indicates the HTTP status code that the news site sent to the user's browser. (Refer back to this lesson if you want to review the idea of HTTP status codes.)
- General knowledge: Vagrant, python3, virtualbox, PSQL database
- Setup the environment :
- Create a SQL view on Vagrant Machine ( uses NEWS_STATS_VIEW).
SELECT articles.title,log.path,,log.status,log.time,date(log.time) as day
FROM articles
LEFT JOIN log ON log.path LIKE CONCAT('%', articles.slug ,'%')
JOIN authors ON =;
- Download and copy it to Vagrant Machine. Then run the and wait for the result.
What are the most popular three articles of all time?
1. Candidate is jerk, alleges rival ---> 338647 views
2. Bears love berries, alleges bear ---> 253801 views
3. Bad things gone, say good people ---> 170098 views
Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
1. Ursula La Multa ---> 512805 views
2. Rudolf von Treppenwitz ---> 427781 views
3. Anonymous Contributor ---> 171762 views
4. Markoff Chaney ---> 85387 views
On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors ?
1. 2016-07-17 ---> 2.26 % error