#TDD—> :: Test driven development. Before Start this class Seven Database Song -> Video Conference in Real Life
#Kata Programming
- Every Day ->
- Solve simple problem.
- http://checkio.org
- ตั้งเงื่อนไขความยาก ในการใช้งาน
- Roman Number
- Code have correct 90 % is not helping you to understand the code
- Legacy Code is code not have any test.
- When you reach at complicate code. Almost solution should will be rewrite.
- Coverage 100%
- 10 - 20 Person without test is not possible to work without test.
#TDD -> Make It Failed -> Code Less Code Pass -> Refactor (Refactor : Improve internal structor / Same behaviour.) Failed != Error ( Failed it meaning about test result ) - Name of test -> “ is must have meaning “ - Code = How? Test = What? == Document have ability to execute.
#During Development.
- When you write code -> Your are the Engineer ( Fast as you can)
- When you refactor -> try to change your mind used Artis skill ( Name variable / Performance )
#Test Type
- Integration Test. You must be serious about Job. It's take long time.But it make your confidence.
- Unit Test -> You can create many test.
#Test can be green but if green on first time should be remove test case it already work. (P' Jua) #Test can be reused whenever you don't used code anymore you should keep that test( P' Jua) #Code is over test we remove code or write new test add
If you follow job from other people -> We know the reason of function(code) -> We confidence to change code.
#Article TDD by P'Jua
Red is decresed debug TIME
Green is make confidence
MP(Magic Power) is can incresed when you create test.
#Debug can't Estimate Time. #Follow Test-> from other people
- Colaboration
#Pair Programming
- Driver(should be junior) Navigator(wait for driver)
- Senior -> Guide Junior
- Drivers -> Depends on Senario
- Transfer Knownledge
- Improve Skill
- Experence -> Make confidence ระวังโดนสิง ถ้า ให้ Junior เป็น Drivers.
- Ping-Pong
#Mock Programming -is morethan 2 person
- Projector
- Should not create complicate code.
#Hide ALL CMD -> J -> B Navbar CMD -> Opt -> Left -> Right
#TDD -> Last Samurai -> P'Jua Experience
- Team should Capture What(Test) from Product Owner
- Allow Whoever can change code in our production code.
- If you want to change friend test code ask authority first.
- sometime problem / feature depend on test.
#Working Effectily with Legacy Code (Book) -> P' Jua call lucky if production code is working without test. When got incedent found should write test Code - Refactor to modular - > Function -> (Code Not support to test) -> Compilcate.
#CodeSmells https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_smell
- AnitPattern
- Long Method
- Long ---- depends on language 7 - 10 Line
- Magic Number
- Duplicat Code
- Data Clumbs
- Long Parameter (from,end) => (period)
- Comment
- Should not explain code in comment. Because sometime comment wrong.
- Commented Code
- Lazy Class
- Combine responsablity in single class.
- Dead Code
- No one call
- Feature Envy
- Access Data from other Class. พนักงาน เซเว่น ขอกระเป๋าตัง คุณว่าพนักงาน เซเว่นควรทำอย่างไร GET paid 250;
- Primitive Obsession
- Basic type(float, string , int) transform => { returnNumber : 200 , message : "HTTPS_LOAD_SUCCESS"}
#Refactoring Move
- Extract Method
- Extract Field
- Extract Class
- Extract Method
- Extract Variable
- Long Parameter List
- Move Method
- Null Checks
- Rename
- Save Delete P'Jua let us see how to used dev tools to refactoring code.