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Big Integer Library

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About big_int

big_int is an arbitrary precision (infinite-precision arithmetic) integer library, which can be used to do arithmetic calculations on numbers, whose digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system. Infinite-precision arithmetic has a lot of applications in the field of computing, especially, if the programming language doesn't natively support infinite-precision arithmetics such as C & C++. Some of the main applications include public-key cryptography and calculation involving very long numbers such as factorial of large numbers, for example 1000000!.


The big_int library is implemented purely in C++ language without any 3rd party libraries or dependencies. The project uses CMake build file generator and uses pybind11 for exposing C++ API as python modules for testing.

Get started

Build & Test Project:

git clone <url>
cd big_int
git submodule update --init --recursive # if python module generation is required
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DPYTHON_TEST_BINDINGS_GEN=ON -DENABLE_IPO=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release #turn -DPYTHON_TEST_BINDINGS_GEN=OFF if  python module generation is not required
cd tests/pybind_tests && ./ # only if -DPYTHON_TEST_BINDINGS_GEN=ON
# python3 ../tests/pybind_tests/ 1 

Algorithms used:

  1. Euclidean algorithm
  2. Extended Euclidean algorithm
  3. Miller–Rabin primality test

Available operations

Operations/Functions Brief description
int big_int_from_string(const std::string &str_num, bi_base target_base = bi_base::BI_HEX) Convert a string (bin/hex/dec) of any length to big_int. target_base can be updated with the (bin/hex/dec) [bi_base::BI_BIN / bi_base::BI_HEX / bi_base::BI_DEC] based on the string format. Default format is bi_base::BI_HEX.
int big_int_from_base_type(const BI_BASE_TYPE &bt_val, const bool is_neg) Convert a number of type BI_BASE_TYPE (default, uint32_t) to big_int.
std::string big_int_to_string(bi_base target_base = bi_base::BI_HEX) Convert a big_int to string. target_base can be updated with the (bin/hex/dec) [bi_base::BI_BIN / bi_base::BI_HEX / bi_base::BI_DEC] based on the string format required. Default format is bi_base::BI_HEX.
int big_int_compare(const big_int &other) const Compare two big_ints, returns 1 if calling big_int is greater than other, 0 if equal and -1 if less than.
int big_int_unsigned_compare(const big_int &other) const Unsigned comparisson, returns 1 if calling big_int is greater than other, 0 if equal and -1 if less than.
int big_int_unsigned_add(const big_int &b, big_int &res) Does unsigned addition of two big_ints and stores the result in res.
int big_int_signed_add(const big_int &b, big_int &res) Does signed addition of two big_ints and stores the result in res.
int big_int_set_negetive(bool set_unset) Set big_int as negetive/positive based on set_unset
int big_int_set_zero() Set big_int as zero
bool big_int_is_negetive() const Check if the big_int is negetive
bool big_int_is_zero() const Check if the big_int is zero
int big_int_clear() Clear the contents
int big_int_signed_sub(const big_int &b, big_int &res) Does signed subtraction of two big_ints and stores the result in res
int big_int_unsigned_sub(const big_int &b, big_int &res) const Does unsigned subtraction of two big_ints and stores the result in res. (Note: This functions throws if the absolute value of argument other is less than the calling object. )
int big_int_multiply(const big_int &b, big_int &res) Does signed multiplication of two big_ints and stores the result in res
Operations/Functions Brief description
int big_int_unsigned_multiply_base_type(const BI_BASE_TYPE &b, big_int &res) const Does unsigned multiplication of calling big_int and a BI_BASE_TYPE (default, uint32_t) value and stores the result in res
int big_int_get_num_of_hex_chars() const Get the number of hex characters in the hexadecimal representation of the big_int
int big_int_get_num_of_bits() const Get the bit size of the calling bit_int
int big_int_div(const big_int &divisor, big_int &quotient, big_int &remainder) Signed division of calling big_int with the divisor big_int and stores the quotient in quotient and remainder in remainder
int big_int_power_base_type(const BI_BASE_TYPE &exponent, big_int &result) Calculates the power of calling big_int when its raised to a BI_BASE_TYPE (default, uint32_t) value, exponent and stores the result in result
int big_int_fast_modular_exponentiation(const big_int &exponent, const big_int &modulus, big_int &result) Calculates the fast modular exponentiation using the fast modular exponentiation algorithm and stores the result in result.
int big_int_modulus(const big_int &modulus, big_int &result) Calculates the modulus of the calling big_int and stores the result in result.
Operations/Functions Brief description
int big_int_gcd_euclidean_algorithm(const big_int &b, big_int &op_gcd) Calculates the greatest common divisor of the calling big_int and another big_int b using the euclidean algorithm and stores the result in op_gcd
int big_int_modular_inverse_extended_euclidean_algorithm(const big_int &modulus, big_int &inverse) Calculates the modular inverse of the calling big_int in the field modulus, using extended euclidean algorithm and stores the result in inverse
bool big_int_is_even() const Check if number is even
int big_int_fast_divide_by_power_of_two(int power, big_int &remainder, big_int &coefficient) const Fast division of big_int by powers of 2
int big_int_fast_multiply_by_power_of_two(int power, big_int &result) const Fast multiplication of big_int by powers of 2
int big_int_get_random_unsigned(int bits) Generate a random unsigned big_int with given number of bits
int big_int_get_random_unsigned_between(const big_int &low, const big_int &high) Generate a random unsigned big_int between given low and high big_ints
int big_int_get_random_unsigned_prime_rabin_miller(int bits, int reqd_rabin_miller_iterations) Generate a random unsigned prime big_int of given bits, at verifies the primility using Rabin Miller algorithm for the given reqd_rabin_miller_iterations iterations
Operations/Functions Brief description
int big_int_get_random_unsigned_prime_rabin_miller_threaded(int bits, int reqd_rabin_miller_iterations, int no_of_threads) Generate a random unsigned prime big_int of given bits, at verifies the primility using Rabin Miller algorithm for the given reqd_rabin_miller_iterations iterations, using no_of_threads threads. Negetive or 0 thread count causes maximum (std::thread::hardware_concurrency();) threads to be used, more than std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); will cause max threads to be std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
int big_int_left_shift_word(int shift_words, big_int &res) Left shift the big_int with shift_words mulitples of 32 bits.
int big_int_left_shift(int bits, big_int &res) Left shift the big_int with given bits.
int big_int_right_shift_word(int shift_words, big_int &res) Right shift the big_int with shift_words mulitples of 32 bits.
int big_int_right_shift(int bits, big_int &res) Right shift the big_int with given bits.

Examples using big_int:

Some example outputs generated by the big_int library.

100000 Factorial

1000000 Factorial

RSA-8192 bits


Big integer library implementation in C++






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