Slides from a presentation introducing Haskell and programming concepts.
To get started, perform the following:
- Rename docbook-document.iml to yourproject.iml
- Edit .idea/modules.xml and change to yourproject.iml
- Edit bin/pdfx and change to yourproject
- Edit bin/allx and change to yourproject
- Edit .ghci and change to yourproject
- Edit Build.hs and change to yourproject
- Edit README.markdown for notes specific to your project.
The following executables must the available on the
- java
- rsync
- wget
- xsltproc
- aspell
- xmllint
- tar
The following packages must be installed from Haskell hackage
- FilePather
- MissingH
Docbook 4.5 catalog files must be installed
Run this command to get started:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk ghc6 cabal-install rsync wget xsltproc docbook-xml aspell libxml2-utils tar && cabal update && cabal install cabal-install && cabal install FilePather && cabal install MissingH