verifiable_mpc Public
A scheme that produces a zero-knowledge proof of correctness for an MPC computation. The scheme allows anyone, particularly someone external to the secure computation, to check the correctness of t…
sec_groups Public
A scheme to implement finite groups as oblivious data structures. The oblivious operations are defined by a set of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols. Practical protocols are presented f…
asn1crypto Public
Forked from wbond/asn1cryptoPython ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2021 -
zk_helpers Public
Helpers for R1CS and QAP construction, and bn256 pairings. Credits to Vitalik Buterin and Jack Lloyd for original works.
pairings.py Public
Forked from randombit/pairings.pyElliptic curve pairing in Python
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMar 30, 2020