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Tags: torans/Dockerfile



Toggle 1.7.0's commit message


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Release version 1.7.0


Toggle 1.6.0's commit message


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Release 1.6.0

- Refactored and reduced size of all images (on-demand installation, removed not needed packages, improved ENVs/LABELs to reduce numbers of layers)
- Cleanup images
- Add new on-demand installation and provisioning of services (eg. postfix, ssh...)
- Improved python console handling and output, also fixes dependency detection
- Renamed alpine-3 to alpine (symlink to keep backward compatibility)
- Add webdevops/php-official and also to webdevops/php and other images
- Introduce docker-image-info for gathering information about current used image (family, distribution, version ...)
- Introduce docker-service enable and docker-service disable to enable and disable services (eg. postfix, ssh ...)
- Fix supervisord message about passwordless http server (unix socket)
- Fix and improve tests (eg. in ipv6 environments)
- Add go-replace to replace sed/awk stuff
- Add webdevops/liquisoap
- Add LOG_STDOUT and LOG_STDERR (redirect docker output, also possible to prevent output using /dev/null)
- Set nginx log level to warn in production and info in nginx-dev images
- Move ansible to webdevops/base


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This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.