An (unfinished) attempt at making a plattform game where you are a fire and have to move on burnable material.
- Torb Lunde Miranda: Concept, programming
- Ingrid Kjensli Moe: Concept, level design, art
- Simon Matthew Jones-Tyridal: Soundtrack
Note: these instructions havn't been tested for many years.
1. Open the project using IntelliJ
- Install it if you don’t have it
- Install Processing if you don’t have it.
- Go to File -> Project Structure -> Global Libraries
- If ‘core’ library from processing is not in the list you need to add it. Plus icon -> Java. Browse to /Applications/
- Right click ‘core’ -> Add to modules -> Select Fire game -> Ok.
- Go to File -> Project Structure -> Global Libraries
- If minim libraries is not in the list you need to add it (it is one entry that includes many classes). Plus icon -> Java. Browse to /Applications/ and select all the *.jar files in that directory. Click ok.
- Right click ‘minim’ -> Add to module -> Select Fire Game -> Ok.
- Beside the Run -> Edit configurations -> Plus icon -> Application.
- Give it a name like "Run"
- Choose "Main" in main Class.
- Write "Main" in program arguments
- Same as above, but…
- Write "--present Main" in program arguments