A tor based botnet from my private zeus collection.
File Upload Vulnerability example Xyl2k
- source\common\tor.h <- binary of torrc. Inits inside SocketHook::run_tor.
- source\client\bank_catch.h <- matches banks to a url, adds and removes any accounts.
- source\client\globals.h <- part of a removed windows hooker dll used in Carberp.
- source\client\modulesystem.h <- hide dll and processes also used to manage, load and download.
- source\client\process_keylogger.h <- keylog certain processes.
- source\client\usbshadowcpy.h <- copies to usb.
- todo..
- bin2h <- turns a binary into a byte array steam for internal execution.
- makeprimelist <- list of prime number generator for dga.
- findbugs_BeaEngine <- find bugs in disassemblers. Counters for reversing.
- crc64 <- calculates crc64 of bytes and compares.
- todo..