- For Dev:
npm install -g babel webpack grunt-cli
npm install
grunt dev
- To build from source:
npm install -g babel webpack grunt-cli
npm install
grunt build
Jarvis is a voice command desktop application for Mac OS. With Jarvis, you can control your computer with your voice. Jarvis comes with a core command package that lets you adjust volume, brightness, text size, open applications, check the weather, look up documents on Wikipedia, get driving directions, etc. For a full list of core commands, see Core Commands.
Jarvis is fully customizable and extendable. You can extend Jarvis's capabilities by downloading additional packages on our website at voicecommand.herokuapp.com. Additionally, you can create your own packages on our website, review and rate other packages.
Jarvis has the ability to learn. If Jarvis cannot find an exact match to your voice command, Jarvis will attempt to find a close match and then ask for confirmation. If you say "yes", Jarvis will remember that you say the voice command in this way.
- Product Owner: Mitchell Wilcox
- Scrum Master: Tracy Duong
- Development Team Members: Andres Morales, Yilen Pan
- Usage
- [Core Commands](#Core Commands)
- [Getting Started](#Getting Started)
- Development
- Team
- Contributing
The following commands come with Jarvis's core package.
say <phrase>
zoom in
zoom out
what time is it?
what's todays date
check the weather in <place>
dim screen
bright screen
volume down
volume up
volume off
youtube <search query>
google <search query>
wiki <search query>
directions from <place> to <place>
open <application name>
turn volume up by <0-100> percent
Download and install Jarvis Voice Command Desktop Application by visiting voicecommand.herokuapp.com.
Once you've opened the application, Jarvis constantly listens for his name in the background. Activate the command listener by saying "Jarvis" (you can customize his name in Settings.) Listen for the bleep confirmation then say a command.
Listen for the bleep confirmation
What time is it?
For additional usage information, see our [How To Use](link to Andres's doc) guide
- Electron v0.35.4
- Node 0.10.x
From within the project root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.