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Tags: tpope/vim-dadbod



Toggle v1.4's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tpope Tim Pope
dadbod.vim 1.4

* Fix issue passing password to redis-cli.
* Fix error calling bufnr() on older Vim.


Toggle v1.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tpope Tim Pope
dadbod.vim 1.3

* Add ClickHouse adapter.
* Add impala adapter.
* Add jq adapter.
* Add osquery adapter.
* Add Presto adapter.
* Support arbitrary MongoDB parameters, including authSource= and ssl=.
* Support protocol=, login-path=, and ssl-*= for MySQL.
* Support encrypt= and trustServerCertificate= for SQL server
* Support tab completion for SQL server.
* Support command modifiers like :tab.
* Support prefix to query for range selection (e.g., :%DB EXPLAIN).
* Provide gq map to close results window.
* Bug fixes.


Toggle v1.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tpope Tim Pope
dadbod.vim 1.2

* Support SQL Server.
* Support Oracle.
* Provide automatic management of dbext configuration.
* Fix tab completion issues.
* Minor bug fixes.


Toggle v1.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tpope Tim Pope
dadbod.vim 1.1

* Rename to Dadbod.
* Fix issue with screen failing to redraw.
* Fix various issues with shell execution.
* Rearrange psql arguments to avoid warning.
* Support SSL for MongoDB.
* Support custom port in dbext wrapper.


Toggle v1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tpope Tim Pope
db.vim 1.0