KOS (Kubernetes Orchestration System) Project is a set of client/server utilities aimed at easing (multiple) kubernetes cluster generation and management. It utilizes the cluster-api project for this purpose and supports all of its provider backends (Docker, AWS, //TODO: Openstack, Azure, GCP, ...). It provides a UI via electronjs.
It requires a proper management cluster (formed using cluster-api). See cluster-api concepts and related documentation. You just need to provide a kubeconfig (with proper permissions) for this cluster to KOS frontend/app and you will have access the features explained below.
- [+] manage (add/remove) management clusters (for personal use).
- [+] add/delete clusters
- update clusters (add/remove machines)
- [+] upgrade clusters (version upgrades)
- [*] fetch kubeconfig and open cluster management services/apps (kubernetes dashboard or lens).
- [+] Docker
- [+] AWS
- Openstack
- Azure