This is a monorepo contianing verifier for POC.
This monorepo is build into a docker compose stack with a nginx front end. Please refer to docker-compose.yml
for details
├── demo-verifier <<---- React app front end
├── demo-verifier-agent <<---- Back end api
├── nginx <<---- Reverse proxy entry point
└── terraform <<---- IAC
Make sure aws cli and profile is setup.
All command are in makefile
Create ECR repos
make ecr
Run localhost
Run following command and navigate to http://localhost
make run-trackback-dia # to run dia
make run-trackback-ta # to run ta
make run-trackback-verifier # to run verifier
Following command will create infrasturcture and deploy to aws.
This will create 3 ecr instances and attach them to a loadbalancer.
Update Terraform Variables. git_token
should be updated if you are using a new loadbalancer.
Create a Key/Pair called ec2_key
in aws console.
Update following env variables if your aws environment is different
export REGION
make ecr build deploy
Redeploy command if you want to redeploy services without infrasturcture
make remotedeploy