Goal: Visualize spatial data in R Script
Topic: Obesity Analysis in the United States
The map was created based on five files:
- USA base map shp - source: the census.gov
- Obesity Rate csv - source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Physical Inactivity Rate csv - source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Diabetes Rate csv - source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Hypertension csv - source: Center for Disease Control (CDC)
I filtered out few geographical areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico for better visibility, presentation, and simplicity in the preprocessing stage. I also created a custom clean theme to be applied to the map.
The map contains four visualizations, one for each topic: obesity, inactivity, diabetes, and hypertension. The goal is to analyze obesity in the USA and related drivers and implications by state.
Two maps were created with different design and format.
- The map indicates a high obesity problem in the state of Mississippi, West Virginia, and Alabama.
- We can also see high physical inactivity for the same states compared to the rest of the USA.
- Diabetes is highest in West Virginia and Mississippi.
- Lastly, hypertension is highest in Mississippi, West Virginia, and Alabama.
- This map indicates that the USA needs to develop a targeted strategy for obesity within the SouthEast region.