This repo is cloned from this CodeOcean capsule, which contains the code for the following scientific paper:
Quang-Doanh Vu, Le-Nam Tran, and Markku Juntti, "On Spectral Efficiency for Multiuser MISO Systems under Imperfect Channel Information," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70. no. 2, pp. 1946-1951, Feb. 2021.
The "convergence_mosek_Upload.m" script makes use of MOSEK as a convex conic solver to solve problems (10) or (11) in the paper. If you run the code on the Code Ocean platform, it automatically downloads and installs these packages for you (see the "postIntall" file under the environment folder). If you download the code and run it on your machine, then you need to manually install MOSEK yourself.