A simple tool to check command injection in headers of http request, faster with goroutines
Designed to make easy check command injection in headers for bug hunter, pentester, red team-er
Usage of cmd-inject-header:
-hd string
Path to list header file
-it string
Your interact server to check the interaction (dnslog.cn/burp collabarator/interact.sh...)
-pl string
Path to list payload file
If you want send request for status code 4xx/5xx
-ur string
Path to list url file (URL have / in the end: http://example.com/)
Usage : go run . -hd headers_common.txt -pl payloads.txt -ur urls.txt -it xxx.burpcollaborator.net
Usage : go run . -hd headers_common.txt -pl payloads.txt -ur urls.txt -it xxx.burpcollaborator.net -se=true
(To send request for status code 4xx/5xx. Sometime app only vuln with this status code!)