For my senior project, myself as well as two classmates are developing a smart mailbox system. To open the mailbox, a user will be required to provide biometric authentication via a fingerprint scan as well as a RFID scan.
I myself am responsible for all of the code in this project. My partners are responsible for building their own implementations of an RFID transceiver and power supply. I will not cover their development on this page.
- 2018 MacBook Pro (Sonoma)
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (Raspbian GNU/Linux 9)
- Arduino Uno R3
- 1 LED
- Piezo Buzzer
- MFRC522 (RFID Read/Write)
- DIYmall Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module
- Micro Servo SG90
- Monitor for RPi GUI (this could also be done via vnc)
- Ethernet Crossover Cable (to establish LAN connection to RPi)
- External Network Interface Card
- USB 2.0 Cable Type A/B (for UART between RPi and Arduino)
- Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library (
- RFID (
- pySerial (
- picamera (
After installing the required Python packages on your RPi and the required Arduino packages on your arduino, you can run the project by adapting the paths in to your project environment and then running