WeiboSpider Public
Forked from SpiderClub/weibospider⚡ 分布式微博爬虫,部署简单,接口丰富,文档详细,演示视频支持,可灵活定制满足自己的需求。已实现内容包括微博用户资料、微博信息、评论信息和转发信息抓取。目前专注于程序本身的健壮性和易用性,正在快速迭代,欢迎watch跟进,star支持
apriltags-cpp Public
Forked from swatbotics/apriltags-cppC++ port of the AprilTags library, using OpenCV (and optionally, CGAL)
C++ UpdatedMay 22, 2016 -
Pixhawk_Pi Public
use Dronekit-Python in Raspberry Pi as component computer to control Pixhawk, and do some CV
dronekit-python Public
Forked from dronekit/dronekit-pythonThe python language bindings and mavproxy module for DroneKit
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 30, 2015 -