A spinning wheel utility to randomly pick a candidate.
Basically the same as @yannklein's Student Picker script, but 3000x better.
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/trouni/whosnext3000
Available commands:
whosnext3000 Runs the utility
whosnext3000 lists Show all the lists
whosnext3000 active Select the active list
whosnext3000 create Create a new list
whosnext3000 delete Deletes a list
You can also directly edit the lists in the config file located at ~/.whosnext3000.yml
Create a list:
terminal [main] whosnext3000 create
Name of the list > 858 Airbnb Projects
Please enter the name of the candidates in the list.
Leave the name empty and press [ENTER] to finish creating the list.
Name of candidate #1 > Ninja Garage
Name of candidate #2 > No Camp No Life
Name of candidate #3 > Snoared
Name of candidate #4 > Exoticals
Name of candidate #5 > Shoes
Name of candidate #6 >
Run the app:
terminal [main] whosnext3000