> cat banner.txt
____ _ _ ____
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The SCPA (Sophicated Cyber Penetration Attacks) is for hackers wanting a straight guidance with many sections involves in offensive operations. It outlines in a systematic approach, because there are so many resources that are being broadcast on the internet. I've compiled it together which contains sources have been re-applied providing use cases and scenarios in many ways.
I'm Userware and I've started this project due to my experience that contains tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) and I've collected a lot of information just to summarize it all in one. I find it a waste that nobody would go through this effort especially for beginners who are still starting out. This knowledge will serve you well in your journey.
Grab a copy to specify a directory using git
then use obsidian to open the directory.
$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ghostsec420/SCPA.git && cd SCPA \
git sparse-checkout set Notebook
Do you want the latest updates? Grab mine instead since most of them is still work in progress continuously.
$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/U53RW4R3/SCPA.git && cd SCPA \
git sparse-checkout set Notebook
-> Required paramaters (e.g.<IP>
-> Optional contextual paramaters (e.g.[/flag-option]
-> Optionally contextual required parameters (e.g.[<bind_IP>]
-> Grouped parameter
-> Universal terminal prompt (i.e.> <command>
-> Non-elevated user privileges unix-like shell prompt (i.e.user@hostname:~$ <command>
-> Elevated user privileges unix-like shell prompt (i.e.root@hostname:~# <command>
)PS />
-> PowerShell Linux console prompt (i.e.PS /home/USERNAME> <command>
-> Windows command prompt (i.e.C:\> <command>
)PS <drive_letter>:\>
-> Powershell console prompt (i.e.PS C:\> <cmdlet>
- Add tags
- Left a lot of TODO labels so go check it out users
- Add Active Directory Lab in the Lab Simulation Setup
- Include references and remove some duplicates
- Fill in the information of Hacking The Cloud
- Provide a mindmap to some sections if necessary
- Cryptography section
- Container (docker, kubernetes, LXC) section
- Malware Development section
- Exploit development section
- Writing Reports section (maybe)
- Include MITRE ATT&CK techniques References