Releases: tsegall/fta
Releases · tsegall/fta
- ENH: Add new Semantic Type - IDENTITY.SIN_CA (Canadian - Social Insurance Number)
- ENH: Support --faker with inline specification (also fix incorrect example in README)
- INT: Improve error message if calling Distributions entry points with DISTRIBUTIONS not enabled
- INT: Add some more test cases for totalCount and merging
- INT: Bump google phonenumber to 9.0.1, logback-classic to 1.5.18
- ENH: Change the default number of Histogram bins to 200 from 1000 (improves performance by ~3x for large inputs), to revert to prior behavior invoked setHistogramBins(1000) on the AnalysisConfig. Note: If distributions (Quantiles/Histograms) are not required they can be disabled via configure() on the AnalysisConfig which will dramatically improve performance further.
- BUG: Honor minLength in FakerStringLT
- ENH: Add new Semantic Type - FILENAME_EXT
- ENH: ~15% improvement in throughput if not calculating distributions (~3% if calculating distributions)
- ENH: Change the default number of Histogram bins to 200 from 1000 (improves performance by ~3x for large inputs), to revert to prior behavior invoked setHistogramBins(1000) on the AnalysisConfig. Note: If distributions (Quantiles/Histograms) are not required they can be disabled via configure() on the AnalysisConfig which will dramatically improve performance further..
- BUG: Fix flaky test case - extendedTotalsDates
- INT: Bump google phonenumber to 9.0.0
- ENH: Faker - Switch to JSON definition, add String support to faker
- ENH: Improve the list of file extensions
- ENH: Minor performance improvements
- BUG: Fixed trivial bug in MergeSimple example
- BUG: Setting debug on the RecordAnalyzer template was not setting debug on the individual Analyzers
- BUG: Minor change to support building on Java 17
- ENH: Add memory diagnostics (debug level >= 3)
- INT: Bump gradle to 8.13, logback-classic to 1.5.17
- ENH: Changed name of Feature NULL_AS_TEXT to NULL_TEXT_AS_NULL
- ENH: Added mini-cache to train() entry - speeds up processing by ~4x if you have a large number of similar values (e.g. a boolean field with Y/N)
- BUG: NULL_TEXT_AS_NULL not being honored in trainBulk()
- BUG: Fix NPE in isValid() for some addresses
- INT: Bump org.springframework.boot to 3.4.1, com.github.ben-manes.versions to 0.52.0, gradle to 8.12.1, google phonenumber to 8.13.55, testng to 7.11.0
- ENH: Enhance documentation as it relates to sampleCount and merging