MISTAGCN is a novel deep learning model provided in our paper "Multiple Information Spatial-Temporal Attention Based Graph Convolution Network For Traffic Prediction", which is submitted to journal Applied Soft Computing and is currently under reviewed.
This project is implemented in python and based mainly on MXNet framework. The main structure of MISTAGCN is
To prepare the development environment,
pip install -r requirements.txt
to train a special model,
python models/<selected model>/train.py
or to train all the models, one by one (corresponding lines should be uncommented first).
- Run 'scripts/haikou_data_extraction_trip_2017.py' to extract travel orders and store them in './data/Haikou/trip-2017.db'.
- Run 'scripts/haikou_flow_aggregation_region_hour.py' to caculate traffic flows of all regions and stored in './data/Haikou/traffic-flows.db'', while filtering regions with no records.
- Run 'scripts/haikou_gen_data_samples.py' to prepare data samples for model trainning, such as Xr_sample, Xd_sample ... The records are stored in './data/Haikou/data-samples'.
- Run 'scripts/haikou_gen_distance_graph.py' to calculate ajacency matrix of distance graph, and store it in 'data/Haikou/adg'.
- Run 'scripts/haikou_gen_correlation_graph.py' to calculate ajacency matrices of correlation graph, and store them in 'data/Haikou/acg'.
- Run 'scripts/haikou_gen_interaction_graph.py' to calculate ajacency matrices of interaction graph, and store them in 'data/Haikou/aig'.
All of the scripts are supposed to be run under the project's root directory, and the relative directories in each script is from the root directory as well.
Loss (errors for training)
L2Loss =$\frac{1}{2} \sum_i (label_i-pred_i)^2$
L1Loss =
$\sum_i |label_i-pred_i|$ -
Matric (values for evaluation)
$\frac{1}{n}\sum_i |y_i - \hat{y}_i|,,$ #Mean Absolute ErrorRMSE =
$\sqrt{\frac{\sum_i (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{n}},,$ #Root Mean Squred Error