1.1.1. IP_and_nmcli
1.1.2. MTR_command
1.1.3. SS_and_Netsart
1.1.4. Curd_command
1.1.5. TCPdump
- Directory Structure (Filesystem Hierarchy)
- ls -- list directory contents
- file -- display file type
- wc - print word counts
- touch -- change file access and modification times
- cp/scp -- copy files/directories
- mv -- move files/directories
- rm -- remove files/directories
- mkdir -- make directories
- rmdir -- remove directories
- find -- search files/directories
- ln -- make links
- tar -- manipulate tape archives
- gzip/gunzip -- compression/decompression
- df -- display free disk space
- du -- display disk usage statistics
- chmod -- change file modes
- chmod -- change file ACLs (Access Control Lists)
- chown -- change file owner and group
- chgrp -- change group
- cat -- concatenate and displays files
- more -- displays files
- less -- displays files
- head -- displays the first lines of files
- tail -- displays the last lines of files
- vim