Official repository for Event-based Photometric Bundle Adjustment, by Shuang Guo and Guillermo Gallego.
If you use this work in your research, please cite it as follows:
author = {Shuang Guo and Guillermo Gallego},
title = {Event-based Photometric Bundle Adjustment},
journal = {(under review)},
year = 2024
- Events.
- Camera calibration.
- Initial trajectory from other front-end methods.
- (Optional) Initial panoramic brightness maps.
- Refined rotations of the event camera.
- Refined intensity panorama.
We test EPBA on the newly-released ECRot dataset, see and download it at here. The instructions of running EPBA on the ECRot dataset can be found here.
This code leverages the following repository for computing the derivative of Lie Group B-splines: