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@leehambley leehambley tagged this 14 Jan 20:13
Breaking changes:

  * `deploy:restart` task **is no longer run by default**.
    From this version, developers who restart the app on each deploy need to declare it in their deploy flow (eg `after 'deploy:publishing', 'deploy:restart'`).

    Please, check for more information. (@kirs)

* Minor changes
  * Tasks that used `linked_dirs` and `linked_files` now run on all roles, not just app roles (@mikespokefire)
  * Tasks `deploy:linked_dirs`, `deploy:make_linked_dirs`, `deploy:linked_files`, `deploy:cleanup_rollback`,
    `deploy:log_revision` and `deploy:revert_release` now use `release_roles()` not `roles()` meaning that they
    will only run on servers where the `no_release` property is not falsy. (@leehambley)
  * Fixed bug when `deploy:cleanup` was executed twice by default (@kirs)
  * Config location can now be changed with `deploy_config_path` and `stage_config_path` options (@seenmyfate)
  * `no_release` option is now available (@seenmyfate)
  * Raise an error if developer tries to define `:all` role, which is reserved (@kirs)
  * `deploy:fallback` hook was added to add some custom behaviour on failed deploy (@seenmyfate)
  * Correctly infer namespace in task enhancements (@seenmyfate)
  * Add SHA to revision log (@blackxored)
  * Allow configuration of multiple servers with same hostname but different ports (@rsslldnphy)
  * Add command line option to control role filtering (@andytinycat)
  * Make use of recent changes in Rake to over-ride the application name (@shime)
  * Readme corrections (@nathanstitt)
  * Allow roles to be fetched with a variable containing an array (@seenmyfate)
  * Improve console (@jage)
  * Add ability to filter tasks to specific servers (host filtering). (@andytinycat)
  * Add a command line option to control role filter (`--roles`) (@andytinycat)
  * Use an SCM object with a pluggable strategy (@coffeeaddict)

Big thanks to @Kriechi for his help.
Assets 2