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This repo contains interview problems.

Cracking the coding interview

# Topic Language Chapter Progress
1 Arrays and Strings C++ 1 7 / 8
2 Linked Lists C++ 2 7 / 7
3 Stacks and Queues C++ 3 6 / 7
4 Trees and Graphs C++ 4 9 / 9
5 Bit Manipulation C++ 5 8 / 8
6 BrainTeasers Natural 6 4 / 6

Problems from my interviews

# Name Language Status Company
1 N-th fibonacci number C++ Done Yandex
2 Insert into sorted list C++ Done Yandex
3 Sum on intervals C++ Done Yandex
4 Merge iterator C++ LC23 Yandex
5 Recover BST without node changings C++ Done Yandex
6 Find K closest in sorted array C++ LC658 Yandex
7 Two sum closest C++ Done Yandex
8 Sum two numbers which are stored in list C++ Done Yandex
9 Is the number n = 3^k C++ Done Yandex
10 Delete 0-s from vector C++ Done Yandex
11 LCA with O(const) space C++ Done Yandex
12 Hotel guests C++ Done Yandex
13 Filter sorted numbers by other sorted numbers C++ Done Yandex
14 Normalize spaces C++ Done Yandex
15 Palindrome with O(const) space C++ Done Yandex
16 Reverse list C++ Done Yandex
17 Users activity in sliding window C++ Done Yandex
18 Find 2 equal subtrees C++ Done Yandex
19 Sum of elems of tree on some level Yandex
20 Find substr in str without regard to order C++ Done Yandex
21 Amount of a, b, c : a + b + c equal given x Yandex
22 Find max sequence of ones C++ Done Yandex
22 Find amount of unique users C++ Done Yandex
23 Calculate time of images processing C++ Done PicsArt
24 Find ids of mixed substr C++ Done Yandex
25 RLECompression C++ Done Yandex
26 ReverseWord C++ Done Yandex
27 ZoomLine C++ Done Yandex
28 Find ids of mixed substr with 2 mistakes C++ Done Yandex
29 Delete zeros from vector without messing other numbers C++ Done Dzen Sber
30 Eval expression C++ Done Alber Blanc


# Name Language Status Company
20 Valid Parentheses C++ Done
29 Divide Two Integers C++ Done
23 Merge k Sorted Lists C++ Done Facebook
31 Next Permutation C++ Done Facebook
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array C++ Done
42 Trapping Rain Water C++ Done Facebook
56 Merge Intervals C++ Done Facebook
65 Valid Number Bad Facebook
67 Add Binary C++ Done Facebook
76 Minimum Window Substring C++ Done Facebook
88 Merge Sorted Array C++ Done Facebook
98 Validate Binary Search Tree C++ Done Facebook
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ Done Facebook
125 Valid Palindrome C++ Done Facebook
133 Clone Graph C++ Done Facebook
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II Call multiple times Locked Facebook
161 One Edit Distance Locked Facebook
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator C++ Done Facebook
199 Binary Tree Right Side View C++ Done Facebook
211 Add and Search Word Data structure design Bad Facebook
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array C++ Done Facebook
238 Product of Array Except Self C++ Done Facebook
253 Meeting Rooms II Locked Facebook
269 Alien Dictionary Locked Facebook
273 Integer to English Words Bad Facebook
278 First Bad Version C++ Done Facebook
282 Expression Add Operators Bad Facebook
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Facebook
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses C++ Done Facebook
304 Range Sum Query 2D Immutable Facebook
311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Facebook
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Facebook
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings Facebook
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters Facebook
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Facebook
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Facebook
426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List Facebook
438 Find All Anagrams in a String Facebook
489 Robot Room Cleaner Facebook
523 Continuous Subarray Sum Facebook
543 Diameter of Binary Tree C++ Done Facebook
560 Subarray Sum Equals K C++ Done Facebook
621 Task Scheduler Facebook
658 Find K Closest Elements C++ Done Yandex
670 Maximum Swap Facebook
680 Valid Palindrome II Facebook
721 Accounts Merge Facebook
785 Is Graph Bipartite? Facebook
825 Friends Of Appropriate Ages Facebook
828 Unique Letter String
896 Monotonic Array Facebook
953 Verifying an Alien Dictionary Facebook
958 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree Facebook
973 K Closest Points to Origin C++ Done Facebook
986 Interval List Intersections Facebook
1282 Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To


This repo contains problems from interviews.






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