Began as a fork of my favorite Polybar script polywins
Windowlist has been fully rewritten in C using the relevant parts of the source code from wmctrl and xprop.
- Fixed a bug where names would not be correct if WM_CLASS contains spaces or dots
- Option to sort the window list:
- By horizontal position on the screen
- By the application name
- Ability to set nicknames for windows if a window has a bad default name
- More flexible styling
- Configurable click actions
Project directory should be in ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
In ~/.config/polybar/scripts/windowlist/
run make
Add module in ~/.config/polybar/config.ini
type = custom/script
exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/windowlist/main 2> /dev/null
tail = true
Add module windowlist
in any of modules-left
, modules-center
or modules-right
Windowlist can be configured in config.toml
in the root of the project.
If config.toml
doesn't already exist, it will be created as a copy of config-default.toml
when running make
. It will not be overwritten if it exists.
Keys can be removed or commented out from config.toml
, they will fall back to the default values in that case.
All options are detailed below:
Option | Description | Possible values |
sort_by |
Criteria to sort the list of windows. |
max_windows |
How many windows can be visible on the list. Number of windows that did not fit will be shown e.g. "(+3)" . |
number (default: 13) |
all_desktops |
List windows from all desktops, instead of the current desktop only. | boolean (default: false) |
name |
Which X window property is considered window name (label for a window). |
name_case |
Text case for window names. |
name_max_length |
Maximum length for a window name before it's truncated with "‥" . |
number (default: 30) |
name_padding |
How many spaces to add before and after a window name. | number (default: 1) |
separator_string |
String displayed between window names. | any string (default: "·" ) |
empty_desktop_string |
String to show when no windows are open. | any string (default: "" ) |
active_window_left_click |
Click actions for window names can be set as "raise" , "minimize" or "close" , or a custom script/program in the click-actions directory. Window currently in focus (active) and unfocused windows (inactive) are configurable separately. |
inactive_window_left_click |
This is the main reason inactive window click actions can have a separate click action: it only makes sense to raise a window when it's not the active window. |
active_window_right_click inactive_window_right_click |
Right click is an example that has the same action regardless of active status, by default. |
active_window_middle_click active_window_scroll_up active_window_scroll_down inactive_window_middle_click inactive_window_scroll_up inactive_window_scroll_down |
These are all the rest of the click actions that Polybar allows (TODO: doubleclick actions #33). They do nothing by default, but if you have an idea, see section about scripting. |
Foreground colors for:
Foreground colors for:
foreground-alt from your config.ini to best match your colorscheme. Unfortunately I couldn't make it use that directly because of reasons explained here.
*_bg_color |
All of the foreground colors have a background color counterpart, e.g. active_window_bg_color . |
*_ul_color |
All colors also have an underline color counterpart, e.g. active_window_ul_color .Note that line-size must be set to 1 or higher in your Polybar config.ini , otherwise underline isn't visible. |
*_font |
All elements can be set to use an alternative font defined in your Polybar config.ini . For example, to use font-1 for the active window name, set active_window_font = 1 .To use a bold variant of a font, set e.g. font-1 = DejaVu Sans:weight=bold in config.ini .See here for more details. |
number (default: 0) |
ignored_classes |
Windows with a WM_CLASS in this array will not be shown on the bar. Strings are matched case insensitively. | array of strings (default: empty) |
window_nicknames |
A window name can be substituted with a custom name using key value pairs. The keys are matched case insensitively.
The key should be double quoted in case the window class contains special characters like dots ( . ). |
table of string key-value pairs (default: empty) |
Polybar must be reset before changes take effect.
The most convenient way is to write a shell script in the click-actions
directory. Any language could be used, though. There are three "default" actions as small C programs: raise
, minimize
and close
You can write a new action as a script such as:
# Do something with the window id of the window that has been clicked/scrolled on
Set the script as executable: chmod +x click-actions/
Then in config.toml
active_window_middle_click = ""
Window id is always given as arg $1
. Tools I know that could be used to make something happen with a window id:
Requires an EWMH compliant window manager
- Wikipedia table to see if a window manager is EWMH compliant: link