phpIPAM is an open-source web IP address management application. Its goal is to provide light and simple IP address management application.
phpIPAM is developed and maintained by Miha Petkovsek, released under the GPL v3 license, project source is here
Learn more on phpIPAM homepage
Run a MySQL database, dedicated to phpipam
$ docker run --name phpipam-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="my-secret-pw" -v /my_dir/phpipam:/var/lib/mysql -d mariadb:10.2
Here, we store data on the host system under /my_dir/phpipam
and use a specific root password.
$ docker run --name ipam -e PHPIPAM_MYSQL_PASSWORD="my-secret-pw" -d --link phpipam-mysql:database -v nginx_conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/ -v nginx_docs:/var/www/html networkmgmt/phpipam
We are linking the two containers and expose the HTTP port.
$ docker run -p 8000:80 -d --link ipam:app -v nginx_conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/ -v nginx_docs:/var/www/html nginx:alpine
Regarding your requirements and docker setup, you've to expose resources.
For HTTPS, run a reverse-proxy in front of your phpipam container and link it to.
For multi-host containers, expose ports, run etcd or consul to make service discovery works etc.
- Browse to
- Step 1 : Choose 'Automatic database installation'
- Step 2 : Re-Enter connection information
- Note that these two first steps could be swapped by patching phpipam (see phpipam/phpipam#25)
- Step 3 : Configure the admin user password
- You're done !
You can create an all-in-one YAML deployment descriptor with Docker compose, like this :
git clone
cd ./phpipam-docker
docker-compose up -d
You can create an all-in-one YAML deployment descriptor with Kubernetes, like this :
git clone
kubectl apply -Rf ./phpipam-docker/k8s_yaml/
phpIPAM is under heavy development by the amazing Miha.
To upgrade the release version, just change the PHPIPAM_VERSION
arguments variable to the target release (see here)