Tags: tweetz0r/cli
New version v0.9.0 tektoncd#754 | [16yuki0702] A little Refactoring log reader. changes are following. | 2020/02/28-04:53 tektoncd#761 | [Daniel Helfand] improve keep description and unit tests for prompts | 2020/02/28-08:29 tektoncd#759 | [Vincent Demeester] Add support for yubikey in debbuild 🦌 | 2020/02/28-08:41 tektoncd#762 | [Daniel Helfand] version v0.8.0 README update | 2020/03/02-02:51 tektoncd#750 | [Vibhav Bobade] - Add Timeout Description to TaskRun and PipelineRun | 2020/03/02-03:36 tektoncd#751 | [Vibhav Bobade] Remove -t timeout shorthand from tkn task start | 2020/03/02-03:36 tektoncd#760 | [Vincent Demeester] Use `#!/usr/bin/env bash` instead of `bin/bash` 👼 | 2020/03/02-03:50 tektoncd#760 | [Vincent Demeester] Use scripts for goreleaser task 👼 | 2020/03/02-03:50 tektoncd#756 | [Vincent Demeester] Move version out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move log out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move params out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move options out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move labels out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move names out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move file out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move validate out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pods out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move deleter out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move task out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move taskrun out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pipelinerun out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Move pipeline out of the helper package 🌿 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix logs_test.go import 😇 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Run goimports 😅 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Vincent Demeester] Re-generate the docs 📖 | 2020/03/02-07:56 null | [Piyush Garg] Remove the name param in cluster resource creation | 2020/03/03-07:50 null | [Pavol Pitonak] Fix several typos | 2020/03/04-08:39 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Change timeout to string for tkn task start | 2020/03/05-09:04 null | [Daniel Helfand] use text/template instead of html/template for pipelinerun describe | 2020/03/06-03:17 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump to v0.11.0-rc1 🚌 | 2020/03/06-11:30 null | [16yuki0702] Fix SIGSEGV on pipelinerun logs. Related issue is tektoncd#775 | 2020/03/08-21:24 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add tkn official image on contrib 🖌 | 2020/03/09-06:59 null | [Daniel Helfand] add sidecar status to tkn tr describe | 2020/03/10-08:18 null | [Daniel Helfand] convert --all to delete all pipelines and tasks in namespace | 2020/03/10-08:41 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to reverse sort taskruns/pipelineruns | 2020/03/10-08:41 null | [pthangad] Added Pipeline E2E tests | 2020/03/10-09:40 null | [Dibyo Mukherjee] Update Triggers dependency for CLI | 2020/03/11-03:15 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline 0.11.0-rc2 | 2020/03/11-11:31 null | [Daniel Helfand] change pipelineruns to taskruns for tkn tr delete --keep desc | 2020/03/13-01:19 null | [Daniel Helfand] change status check for pr and tr cancel for color | 2020/03/13-01:37 null | [Piyush Garg] Add description to task, clustertask, condition list | 2020/03/13-03:32 null | [pthangad] Build tkn binary before running cli tests | 2020/03/13-04:24 null | [Piyush Garg] Add description to describe command | 2020/03/13-11:29 null | [Daniel Helfand] change tr and pr sorting from sort.Slice to sort.Sort | 2020/03/16-03:35 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove duplicate error message when deleting nonexistent resource | 2020/03/17-10:58 null | [pthangad] Add license to e2e tests | 2020/03/18-04:53 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Refactor task list cmd with v1beta1 support | 2020/03/18-10:18 null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning message in v0.9.0 about clustertask timeout | 2020/03/20-02:59 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to list TaskRuns from all namespaces | 2020/03/20-09:37 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add flag to list PipelineRuns from all namespaces | 2020/03/20-09:37 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Update e2e to support TaskRun and PipelineRun List to use templates | 2020/03/20-09:37 null | [Daniel Helfand] start pipelinerun from local or remote file | 2020/03/20-10:37 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Add v1beta1 support for clustertask list | 2020/03/23-10:56 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds test for list v1beta1 | 2020/03/23-11:42 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun list | 2020/03/24-11:26 null | [Daniel Helfand] fix test failure from go v1.14.0 update | 2020/03/26-06:43 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline list cmd | 2020/03/26-12:18 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add RELEASE_VERSION build-arg to the image 📟 | 2020/03/26-15:50 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun delete | 2020/03/27-03:22 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipelinerun list & delete cmd | 2020/03/27-08:44 null | [Vincent Demeester] Sort resources in start subcommands 🌮 | 2020/03/30-07:14 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add ROADMAP.md 🤖 | 2020/03/30-07:38 null | [Khurram Baig] Add workspace option to pipeline start | 2020/03/30-07:55 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --noheaders flag to taskrun list subcommand | 2020/03/31-01:35 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --noheaders flag to pipelinerun list subcommand | 2020/03/31-01:35 null | [savitaashture] Fix tkn pipeline version issue | 2020/03/31-02:09 null | [Pradeep Kumar] remove redundant code | 2020/03/31-02:43 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task delete command | 2020/03/31-03:05 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline delete command | 2020/03/31-04:43 null | [Khurram Baig] Add workspace to task start | 2020/03/31-07:19 null | [Daniel Helfand] clustertriggerbinding list command | 2020/03/31-07:47 null | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn ctb delete command | 2020/04/01-02:08 null | [Yulia Gaponenko] Add tekton cli build for s390x architecture This will add s390x target to Makefile and to .goreleaser.yaml | 2020/04/01-02:39 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for clustertask delete | 2020/04/01-04:28 null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix typo and change function name | 2020/04/01-05:41 null | [Vincent Demeester] Import docs/README.md from website | 2020/04/01-07:55 null | [savitaashture] Add changes to display TaskRun and PipelineRun labels | 2020/04/02-02:27 null | [savitaashture] fix review comments | 2020/04/02-02:27 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline v0.11.0 | 2020/04/02-07:25 null | [Daniel Helfand] warning messages about removing create -f | 2020/04/02-23:31 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.4.0-rc1 | 2020/04/03-12:11 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task and taskrun logs command | 2020/04/03-18:03 null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds test for v1beta1 address review comments | 2020/04/03-18:03 null | [Daniel Helfand] add pradeepitm12 to OWNERS | 2020/04/04-09:02 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipeline and run logs command | 2020/04/06-08:50 null | [Daniel Helfand] use timeout of --last or --use-pipelinerun/--use-taskrun | 2020/04/06-09:18 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for taskrun cancel | 2020/04/06-16:37 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump task describe command to v1beta1 | 2020/04/07-09:56 null | [Khurram Baig] Add Workspace to Interactive Start Pipeline | 2020/04/07-10:23 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/triggers to v0.4.0 | 2020/04/07-17:51 null | [Pradeep Kumar] fix tasrun cancel command | 2020/04/08-04:55 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for pipelinerun cancel | 2020/04/08-11:42 null | [Daniel Helfand] properly capture APIVersion with --dry-run | 2020/04/08-14:35 null | [Pradeep Kumar] use List from task pkg | 2020/04/09-20:46 null | [Piyush Garg] Refactoring in make file | 2020/04/10-07:52 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump clustertask describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/12-15:01 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix Makefile | 2020/04/12-15:01 null | [Daniel Helfand] sort taskruns by start time for task describe | 2020/04/12-15:50 null | [Daniel Helfand] sort taskruns by start time for clustertask describe | 2020/04/12-16:05 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline desc to v1beta1 | 2020/04/13-03:01 null | [Daniel Helfand] sort pipelineruns by start time for pipeline describe | 2020/04/13-14:32 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipelinerun describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/14-07:13 null | [Daniel Helfand] update release process docs on updating plumbing tkn images | 2020/04/14-07:40 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix e2e on pipeline 0.10 | 2020/04/15-11:39 null | [Piyush Garg] Add test for task package | 2020/04/15-12:17 null | [Anshul Verma] Flag to start a Pipeline without prompting for default param value. Even when a param is given through -p, other params to have their default values. | 2020/04/15-14:25 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix lint error and handle properly | 2020/04/15-17:07 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix listing of taskrun | 2020/04/16-07:01 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove default timeout of 1h for pipeline and task start | 2020/04/16-07:48 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use real temporary directory when building debian package | 2020/04/16-10:15 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Set properly the release version in Debian package | 2020/04/16-10:15 null | [Nidhi Kakkar] Modified param flag description | 2020/04/16-15:48 null | [Carlos Iriarte] chore: fix typo inavlid => invalid | 2020/04/17-07:34 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to v0.11.2 | 2020/04/17-08:10 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump taskrun describe to v1beta1 | 2020/04/17-09:01 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Sort TaskRuns based on StartTime before deletion with keep | 2020/04/17-11:49 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --no-headers and --all-namespaces flag for Task `list` subcommand | 2020/04/17-20:00 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Add --no-headers and --all-namespaces flag for Pipeline `list` | 2020/04/17-20:00 null | [Vibhav Bobade] Docs --no-headers --all-namespaces flags for task/pipeline list | 2020/04/17-20:00 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task start command | 2020/04/20-12:49 null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds test for v1beta1 | 2020/04/20-12:49 null | [Daniel Helfand] check status of taskrun for tkn pr describe | 2020/04/20-15:05 null | [Anshul Verma] Corrects `logs` command to validate `--limit` option's value if it is <=0 Resolves tektoncd#909 | 2020/04/20-15:29 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable colouring on windows | 2020/04/21-10:59 null | [savitaashture] Add tkn triggerbinding describe command | 2020/04/21-14:53 null | [Daniel Helfand] fix keep description and remove need to use with --all flag | 2020/04/21-16:17 null | [savitaashture] fix aliases for clustertriggerbindings | 2020/04/21-20:07 null | [savitaashture] Add tkn clustertriggerbinding describe command | 2020/04/22-08:31 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump pipeline start to v1beta1 | 2020/04/22-08:51 null | [Pradeep Kumar] little refactor for consistency | 2020/04/22-12:53 null | [savitaashture] Add tkn triggertemplate describe command | 2020/04/22-15:55 null | [Daniel Helfand] fix alignment of output resource TYPE column for task desc | 2020/04/24-08:58 null | [Piyush Garg] Implement convertDown function for Taskrun | 2020/04/24-11:50 null | [savitaashture] Add params description to describe commands | 2020/04/24-12:52 null | [Pradeep Kumar] v1beta1 support for task start command | 2020/04/24-16:28 null | [Daniel Helfand] fix --dry-run with --filename tests for all start commands | 2020/04/27-07:24 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tekton/pipeline to v0.11.3 | 2020/04/27-08:56 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix pipeline version not working | 2020/04/27-10:24 null | [Vincent Demeester] Build and publish tkn image on release 📌 | 2020/04/27-20:16 null | [Piyush Garg] Add description command for condition | 2020/04/28-03:37 null | [savitaashture] Add eventlistener describe command | 2020/04/28-06:10 null | [savitaashture] Update template for EventListener Describe command | 2020/04/28-10:46 null | [Anshul Verma] Enable auto selection of the task for `logs` command if only one task is present. Fixes tektoncd#916 | 2020/04/28-12:27 null | [Daniel Helfand] fix description typo and add test with output option for el desc | 2020/04/28-13:48 null | [Piyush Garg] Remove namespace flag from clusterwide cmd's | 2020/04/28-15:02 null | [Piyush Garg] Add flag to skip check flag in version cmd | 2020/04/29-06:56
New version v0.8.0 tektoncd#674 | [Piyush Garg] Update readme for 0.7.1 release | 2020/02/04-09:25 tektoncd#678 | [Vincent Demeester] Bump gotest.tools/v3 dep to 3.0.1 | 2020/02/05-02:08 tektoncd#609 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Start doing testing against nightly | 2020/02/05-09:50 tektoncd#676 | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn taskrun delete | 2020/02/05-12:10 tektoncd#682 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add flag --use-pipelinerun to start to rerun with a target pr | 2020/02/06-03:07 tektoncd#677 | [Piyush Garg] Improve release docs | 2020/02/06-08:25 tektoncd#681 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --output by name for TaskRuns | 2020/02/10-02:32 tektoncd#681 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --output by name for TriggerBinding | 2020/02/10-02:32 tektoncd#692 | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn cluster delete --all | 2020/02/10-04:22 tektoncd#694 | [Piyush Garg] Add --step flag for taskrun logs | 2020/02/10-09:30 null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn el delete | 2020/02/10-15:01 null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn resource delete | 2020/02/10-15:24 null | [Daniel Helfand] -all option for tkn condition delete | 2020/02/10-15:25 null | [16yuki0702] Fix bug about Complete logs not shown for failed TaskRun related issue is tektoncd#587 | 2020/02/10-15:38 null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn pipelinerun delete | 2020/02/10-16:37 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Shows --- for empty values on "DEFAULT VALUES" column | 2020/02/11-02:38 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Makefile fixes | 2020/02/11-05:20 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update github pull request templates | 2020/02/11-05:20 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add pipeline version information | 2020/02/12-01:36 null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn triggertemplate delete | 2020/02/12-01:49 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix help command | 2020/02/12-03:22 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix yaml errors | 2020/02/12-08:00 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update presubmit jobs to use make lint | 2020/02/12-08:00 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add support for filtering by label on pipelinerun | 2020/02/12-08:19 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add support for filtering by label on taskruns | 2020/02/12-08:19 null | [Daniel Helfand] --all option for tkn triggerbinding delete | 2020/02/12-16:03 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --last support to `tkn pr logs` | 2020/02/13-01:51 null | [Daniel Helfand] nil check for lr.Stream for taskrun logs | 2020/02/13-02:08 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Fix typo | 2020/02/14-06:44 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Modify test names as they are pipelinerun not pipeline tests | 2020/02/14-12:30 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --last flag to tkn taskrun logs | 2020/02/14-12:30 null | [Daniel Helfand] --prefix-name option for tkn pipeline start | 2020/02/17-03:32 null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning for --all flags for pipeline and task delete | 2020/02/17-03:33 null | [Vincent Demeester] Update golangci-lint target 🍵 | 2020/02/18-03:38 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Generate manpages at the same time as make docs | 2020/02/18-04:42 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure golden files have been generated | 2020/02/18-04:42 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds timeout to pipeline start | 2020/02/18-07:50 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add fuzzyfinder library | 2020/02/18-09:08 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add fuzzy finder selection for pipelinerun and taskrun | 2020/02/18-09:08 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Increase default limit when using with fzf | 2020/02/18-09:08 null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring log writer. related issue is tektoncd#708 | 2020/02/19-02:24 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use -mod=vendor for golangci-lint too 👼 | 2020/02/19-03:36 null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix linting on pkg/log 🚈 | 2020/02/19-03:36 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --use-taskrun for taskrun | 2020/02/19-07:26 null | [Daniel Helfand] show sidecar names with tkn tr desc | 2020/02/24-06:08 null | [Daniel Helfand] add warning message for tkn task start --timeout | 2020/02/26-02:18 null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring log reader. related issue is tektoncd#748 | 2020/02/26-08:14 null | [Daniel Helfand] --prefix-name option for tkn task start | 2020/02/27-02:03 null | [Daniel Helfand] add error message for deletion when args=0 and no --all flag | 2020/02/27-02:15 null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove trigger alias for start subcommands 🚉 | 2020/02/27-07:37 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add --keep to --all, to keep the last N pipelineruns | 2020/02/27-09:32 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add --keep to --all, to keep the last N taskruns | 2020/02/27-09:32 null | [Vincent Demeester] Enhance the error message for --keep ⌨ | 2020/02/27-09:32 null | [Vincent Demeester] Pin the go version in the release pipeline 🖊 | 2020/02/27-11:03 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use -mod=vendor during the release 👼 | 2020/02/27-11:59
New version v0.7.1 tektoncd#628 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add all client-go dependency | 2020/02/04-03:49 tektoncd#628 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Regenerate codegen and vendor for the client-go auth deps | 2020/02/04-03:49 tektoncd#673 | [Piyush Garg] Update gotest.tools to use our fork | 2020/02/04-04:27
New version v0.7.0 tektoncd#513 | [Daniel Helfand] update versions in README for 0.6.0 | 2019/12/12-02:36 tektoncd#514 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add info in README about debian installs | 2019/12/12-04:27 tektoncd#515 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Change NFPM package name | 2019/12/12-04:44 tektoncd#516 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix install bash and zsh completion | 2019/12/13-04:55 tektoncd#518 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Tektoncd Release 0.9.2 | 2019/12/13-05:37 tektoncd#508 | [16yuki0702] Making task logs interactive. | 2019/12/16-02:57 tektoncd#517 | [Daniel Helfand] test for tkn task start --filename | 2019/12/16-03:11 tektoncd#525 | [Jason Hall] Attempt to fix formatting of examples | 2019/12/18-09:07 tektoncd#528 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Set default to False for Show Logs on TaskRun and PipelineRun | 2019/12/18-10:11 tektoncd#533 | [Daniel Helfand] show cancelled instead of failed for pr and tr desc | 2019/12/19-10:10 null | [Vincent Demeester] Switch to gotest.tools/v3 instead of testify 🐺 | 2019/12/20-04:44 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use ./hack/tools.go instead of dummy_test.go ⚓ | 2019/12/20-05:14 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump github.com/imdario/mergo to 0.3.8 | 2019/12/20-05:33 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add piyush as an OWNER 🕺 | 2019/12/20-08:04 null | [Piyush Garg] Add triggertemplate list | 2019/12/23-00:08 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix CI | 2019/12/23-10:09 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove namespace check for clustertask | 2019/12/23-10:38 null | [Piyush Garg] Add triggerbinding list | 2019/12/23-14:36 null | [Piyush Garg] Add eventlistener list | 2019/12/26-06:12 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds command to delete triggertemplate | 2019/12/26-21:38 null | [Daniel Helfand] converting taskrun desc tests to use step state test builder | 2019/12/27-00:24 null | [Pradeep Kumar] change test name | 2019/12/27-09:20 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Add command to delete triggerbinding | 2019/12/27-11:11 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump hashicorp/golang-lru | 2019/12/28-04:01 null | [Khurram Baig] Add Command to Remove EventListener | 2020/01/02-08:53 null | [Daniel Helfand] error message for using --last with tkn task start -f | 2020/01/02-09:39 null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring pipeline log tests. | 2020/01/02-09:51 null | [Daniel Helfand] updating release notes for CLI | 2020/01/06-07:22 null | [Daniel Helfand] add choco package to README and minor edits | 2020/01/06-08:17 null | [Piyush Garg] Refactor triggertemplate list test | 2020/01/07-00:29 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Syncronize cobra to latest | 2020/01/07-09:01 null | [Scott] Update all delete commands to support multiple arguments | 2020/01/08-13:02 null | [16yuki0702] Refactoring pipeline start tests. | 2020/01/09-07:56 null | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn task start -f with remote files | 2020/01/09-10:01 null | [Scott] Refactor delete command code to make a bit more DRY | 2020/01/10-02:49 null | [Daniel Helfand] add nil check for pr desc taskrun sorting | 2020/01/10-07:12 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add coloured status condition | 2020/01/10-15:20 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add colouring to steps status too | 2020/01/13-10:29 null | [Daniel Helfand] correct tkn task start typo | 2020/01/13-14:18 null | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn clustertask start | 2020/01/14-08:29 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove second taskrun from pr desc test | 2020/01/15-00:01 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Subtle cosmetics changes to describe command | 2020/01/15-09:58 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Show fluffy decorations only when we can or when the user wants it | 2020/01/15-09:58 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix release tarball version to remove the v at first | 2020/01/15-11:38 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add Namespace to tkn pipeline desc | 2020/01/15-14:57 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix to auto select the first pipeline when only one is available | 2020/01/16-02:45 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable TestPipelineLog_Interactive | 2020/01/16-02:45 null | [Daniel Helfand] tkn create command | 2020/01/16-03:32 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Do not show bracket when showing the RunAfter.Tasks in Pipeline desc | 2020/01/16-04:07 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Set no colours automatically when not running with a tty or a pipe | 2020/01/16-16:33 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Skipping flakey interactive tests | 2020/01/17-07:42 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for Task 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test in TaskRun 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for Pipeline 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for PipelineRun 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for Condition 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for ClusterTask 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for TriggerBinding 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for TriggerTemplate 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for EventListener 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Use golden package for unit test for PipelineResource 🐐 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add `test-unit-update-golden` target to update golden files 🐟 | 2020/01/19-15:20 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] generate steps name when none has been provided | 2020/01/20-00:02 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add tests for k8.Condition | 2020/01/20-04:27 null | [Daniel Helfand] add tkn clustertask desc | 2020/01/20-11:11 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add emojis to pipeline/pipelinerun/task/taskrun describe | 2020/01/22-08:40 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] tkn clustertask describe zsh completion is broken | 2020/01/22-12:21 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add emojis support for tkn clustertask describe command | 2020/01/22-12:44 null | [Piyush Garg] Return error inspite of nil | 2020/01/23-08:28 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Implement output for pipeline describe | 2020/01/27-03:07 null | [Daniel Helfand] sort steps for tr desc by StartedAt | 2020/01/28-03:57 null | [Scott] Add flag to task and pipeline to only delete related resources | 2020/01/28-08:47 null | [Vincent Demeester] Remove 🏻 from the step emoji 🍲 | 2020/01/28-10:00 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Refactor a bit custom output function | 2020/01/28-10:57 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix PipelineResource custom output | 2020/01/28-10:57 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix PipelineRuns custom output | 2020/01/28-10:57 tektoncd#648 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix Task custom output | 2020/01/28-10:57 tektoncd#648 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix TaskRuns custom output | 2020/01/28-10:57 tektoncd#648 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix ClusterTask custom output | 2020/01/28-10:57 tektoncd#643 | [Daniel Helfand] --dry-run option for tkn pipeline start | 2020/01/29-02:50 tektoncd#653 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Minor wording fixes on the RELEASE_PROCESS document | 2020/01/29-04:26 tektoncd#656 | [Vincent Demeester] Use gotest.tools assert package instead of testify 🍵 | 2020/01/29-05:16 tektoncd#657 | [Daniel Helfand] refactor --dry-run tests for tkn pipeline start | 2020/01/29-10:55 tektoncd#661 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix output=name for pipeline list | 2020/01/30-10:08 tektoncd#658 | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline and tektoncd/triggers | 2020/01/31-03:37 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix workspace not getting copied with --last | 2020/01/31-04:34 null | [16yuki0702] This fixes tektoncd#639 | 2020/01/31-06:46 null | [ansky] Remove extra empty lines | 2020/01/31-10:30 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove tkn create | 2020/01/31-10:52 null | [Daniel Helfand] add --dry-run option for tkn task start | 2020/02/03-00:59 null | [Daniel Helfand] add --dry-run option for tkn ct start | 2020/02/03-01:17 null | [16yuki0702] Fix overriding GenerateName on taskrun. | 2020/02/03-06:23
New version v0.6.0 tektoncd#478 | [Daniel Helfand] adding timeout to tkn task start | 2019/11/26-10:59 tektoncd#469 | [Daniel Helfand] include taskrun failure message in logs | 2019/11/26-11:54 tektoncd#432 | [16yuki0702] Related issues are tektoncd#263 tektoncd#414 | 2019/11/27-03:16 tektoncd#481 | [Vibhav Bobade] Feature: Set current kubernetes context | 2019/11/27-22:06 tektoncd#481 | [Vibhav Bobade] Updated docs/man with new feature for setting kubecontext | 2019/11/27-22:06 tektoncd#484 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add a step into the RELEASE_PROCESS documentation | 2019/11/29-08:42 tektoncd#483 | [Piyush Garg] Fix failure in case of array param having single value | 2019/11/29-08:57 tektoncd#485 | [Daniel Helfand] minor edits to RELEASE_PROCESS.md | 2019/11/29-09:26 tektoncd#487 | [Daniel Helfand] 0.5.1 version in README | 2019/12/01-11:02 tektoncd#486 | [Piyush Garg] Improve message for creating new resource in start | 2019/12/02-01:05 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use serviceAccountName instead of serviceAccount | 2019/12/03-10:11 null | [Daniel Helfand] remove extra space from tr not found error | 2019/12/03-10:42 null | [16yuki0702] Making taskrun logs interactive. | 2019/12/04-09:25 null | [16yuki0702] Correcting interactive menu string and testing error messages | 2019/12/04-09:25 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add golint to the linter 🚐 | 2019/12/04-10:16 null | [Vincent Demeester] Fix golint errors 👨🍳 | 2019/12/04-10:16 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to version 0.9.0 | 2019/12/04-15:12 null | [Piyush Garg] Fixes to support tekton pipeline 0.9.0 | 2019/12/04-15:12 null | [Daniel Helfand] add pipeline create command | 2019/12/05-09:10 null | [Daniel Helfand] add task create command | 2019/12/05-10:05 null | [Piyush Garg] Bump to tektoncd/pipeline 0.9.1 | 2019/12/09-05:09 null | [Daniel Helfand] add namespace check to pipeline and task create commands | 2019/12/09-08:03 null | [Daniel Helfand] add resource create -f option | 2019/12/09-11:56 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add NFPM (deb/rpm) release to goreleaser | 2019/12/10-13:15 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix input params are not respected | 2019/12/11-06:02 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add debian package | 2019/12/11-09:25
New version v0.5.1 tektoncd#445 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix brew install from tap | 2019/11/08-05:20 tektoncd#446 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README to 0.5.0 | 2019/11/08-07:01 tektoncd#443 | [Piyush Garg] Show param default value in task describe | 2019/11/08-07:45 tektoncd#443 | [Piyush Garg] Change DEFAULT_VALUE to DEFAULT VALUE | 2019/11/08-07:45 tektoncd#447 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add Release process documentation | 2019/11/08-08:23 tektoncd#449 | [Vincent Demeester] Linting yamls with yamllint 🏷 | 2019/11/08-10:09 tektoncd#452 | [Piyush Garg] Add cloudEvent resource support to start command | 2019/11/11-22:56 tektoncd#457 | [Piyush Garg] Fix resource creation failure in case of multiple | 2019/11/13-00:49 tektoncd#450 | [danielhelfand] show status of steps with taskrun describe | 2019/11/13-08:00 tektoncd#461 | [Piyush Garg] Update go.sum | 2019/11/14-03:01 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump plumbing to latest changes 🔗 | 2019/11/14-04:36 null | [Dan Lorenc] Add a --filename parameter to 'tkn tasks start'. | 2019/11/15-02:38 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix interactive input params on pipeline start | 2019/11/15-03:54 null | [Daniel Helfand] include os and version in issue template | 2019/11/18-14:57 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add Installtion instruction when compiling from source | 2019/11/20-06:23 null | [Navid Shaikh] Uses vendored deps while building the binary in Makefile | 2019/11/20-07:58 null | [Daniel Helfand] add check in pr logs for if condition available | 2019/11/21-02:53
New version v0.5.0 tektoncd#336 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update templating to use `$(…)` instead of `${…}` | 2019/09/26-04:37 tektoncd#338 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README to 0.4.0 | 2019/09/26-06:33 tektoncd#338 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add Centos8 | 2019/09/26-06:33 tektoncd#337 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix spec file path | 2019/09/26-06:49 tektoncd#323 | [Piyush Garg] Add task describe subcommand | 2019/09/30-07:10 tektoncd#340 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Cleanup -l flag across commands | 2019/09/30-10:50 tektoncd#319 | [16yuki0702] Add condition list command | 2019/10/01-02:58 tektoncd#343 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information about docs and checks for github pr template | 2019/10/02-06:50 tektoncd#344 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add documentation check | 2019/10/02-18:27 tektoncd#342 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Allow passing labels to start | 2019/10/03-02:44 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update the new brew location | 2019/10/03-04:16 null | [danielhelfand] check if namespace exists for task list command | 2019/10/08-10:06 null | [Piyush Garg] Set namespace in e2e tests | 2019/10/09-03:16 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Adds command to create new resource interactively | 2019/10/09-06:00 null | [Pradeep Kumar] adds doc for resource create command | 2019/10/09-06:00 null | [Pradeep Kumar] review comments addressed | 2019/10/09-06:00 null | [Pradeep Kumar] removes os.Exit(1) for interrupts | 2019/10/09-06:00 null | [Pradeep Kumar] rebase and auto generate docs | 2019/10/09-06:00 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump tektoncd/plumbing dependency ⛽️ | 2019/10/09-20:46 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to task delete command | 2019/10/09-21:07 null | [Piyush Garg] Refactoring resource list | 2019/10/10-07:50 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix unit tests | 2019/10/10-10:48 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Show logs right after starting the pipeline | 2019/10/10-11:08 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to task describe command | 2019/10/13-10:40 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Fixes test increase timeout for expect | 2019/10/15-02:13 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to taskrun desc command | 2019/10/16-03:28 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Don't show just Error if container came back only with "Error" | 2019/10/16-03:47 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to taskrun list command | 2019/10/16-03:47 null | [danielhelfand] add tkn condition to README | 2019/10/16-04:54 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Use *** instead of plain text for password | 2019/10/17-08:16 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Change way of question for insecure parameter | 2019/10/18-03:07 null | [danielhelfand] refactor NamespaceExists | 2019/10/18-09:47 null | [Piyush Garg] Add feature to start task | 2019/10/18-12:04 null | [Pradeep Kumar] removes complexity of read timeout from test | 2019/10/21-06:03 null | [Pradeep Kumar] remove test for interrupt change pull url | 2019/10/21-06:03 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Syncronize cobra fork with latest | 2019/10/21-23:17 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update the whole go mod dependencies shbang | 2019/10/21-23:17 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to taskrun delete command | 2019/10/22-02:04 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to taskrun logs command | 2019/10/22-02:25 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to taskrun cancel command | 2019/10/22-02:36 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix panic on pipeline logs | 2019/10/22-09:26 null | [hriships] Change for release and tagging | 2019/10/23-04:02 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pipeline list command | 2019/10/23-07:42 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to condition list command | 2019/10/24-01:38 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pipeline logs command | 2019/10/24-01:50 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to clustertask commands | 2019/10/24-01:50 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pipeline delete command | 2019/10/24-02:03 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pipeline describe command | 2019/10/24-02:03 null | [16yuki0702] Add delete condition command | 2019/10/24-02:15 null | [16yuki0702] Extract checking option | 2019/10/24-02:15 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to 0.8.0 | 2019/10/24-09:14 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Bump some dependency related to opencensus.io to fix go mod tidy | 2019/10/24-23:42 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Fix staticcheck error on version/version.go | 2019/10/24-23:42 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to resource list command | 2019/10/24-23:55 null | [Andrea Frittoli] Use targetURI for cloudEvent resource details | 2019/10/25-02:04 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to resource create command | 2019/10/25-02:26 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to condition delete command | 2019/10/25-02:26 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump plumbing to latest version | 2019/10/25-03:23 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add banners when building docs | 2019/10/25-03:50 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Increase GolangCI timeout | 2019/10/25-03:50 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Generate windows binary release files as zip file | 2019/10/25-04:30 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to resource delete command | 2019/10/25-04:47 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Remove 386 and arm archs | 2019/10/25-08:33 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pr describe command | 2019/10/25-12:44 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to resource describe command | 2019/10/25-21:32 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pr delete command | 2019/10/27-09:36 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pr logs command | 2019/10/27-10:07 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pr cancel command | 2019/10/27-12:48 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pr list command | 2019/10/28-03:27 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to task start command | 2019/10/28-08:54 null | [danielhelfand] add namespace check to pipeline start command | 2019/10/28-09:51 null | [danielhelfand] clean up pipeline start test and correct task start namespace check | 2019/10/28-10:34 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Allow specify a specific release.yaml when setting up pipelines | 2019/10/29-10:48 null | [16yuki0702] Modify delete command to using delete options | 2019/10/29-21:01 null | [16yuki0702] Remove unnecessary struct | 2019/10/29-21:01 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add installation instructions for Win to README kind/feature | 2019/10/30-05:03 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix make lint warning | 2019/10/30-09:12 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Make sure we are in the right directory when launching the tests | 2019/10/30-10:15 null | [Piyush Garg] Enable golint | 2019/10/31-04:22 null | [danielhelfand] check if taskref and pipelineref exist for describe commands | 2019/10/31-10:39 null | [Piyush Garg] Remove date from man pages | 2019/11/04-04:15 null | [Piyush Garg] Show logs after task start | 2019/11/04-21:49 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix taskrun log throwing error | 2019/11/04-21:49 null | [danielhelfand] remove space from resource and param errors | 2019/11/05-04:30 null | [Eric Carboni] Update README.md | 2019/11/05-04:30 null | [16yuki0702] Add options test cases | 2019/11/05-04:49 null | [Daniel Helfand] adding path information to Windows install instructions | 2019/11/06-02:46 null | [Pradeep Kumar] starts pipeline with new resource | 2019/11/06-05:09 null | [Piyush Garg] Show params in pipeline describe command | 2019/11/07-09:58 null | [Vincent Demeester] Add danielhelfand as OWNER 🐱 | 2019/11/07-10:19
New version v0.4.0 tektoncd#290 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add rainbow colouring of the steps | 2019/09/08-05:36 tektoncd#292 | [danielhelfand] add SilenceUsage: true to root.go | 2019/09/08-22:11 tektoncd#293 | [Carlos Santana] Update install instructions in readme to 0.3.1 | 2019/09/08-23:39 tektoncd#279 | [16yuki0702] Add deletion scenario to e2e test | 2019/09/09-02:17 tektoncd#279 | [16yuki0702] Fix to use -f flag | 2019/09/09-02:17 tektoncd#300 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use a older version of thrift | 2019/09/09-08:48 tektoncd#300 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Don't run go mod vendor on every build | 2019/09/09-08:48 tektoncd#301 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] E2E tests fixes | 2019/09/09-12:00 tektoncd#303 | [danielhelfand] add taskrun describe command | 2019/09/10-02:15 tektoncd#304 | [16yuki0702] Fix document typos | 2019/09/10-04:45 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix interactive prompt with --last | 2019/09/10-07:04 null | [16yuki0702] Add canceling feature to taskrun command | 2019/09/10-08:23 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Improve release script | 2019/09/11-10:35 null | [Sunil Thaha] Doc: Improve taskrun help example | 2019/09/12-02:09 null | [Piyush Garg] Fix -n not working with pipeline logs | 2019/09/12-02:23 null | [Piyush Garg] Show descriptive failure message | 2019/09/12-03:36 null | [danielhelfand] change error message returned by task for namespace | 2019/09/16-06:48 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add a Tasrun to build rpm. | 2019/09/17-01:52 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information about copr rpm package repo in README | 2019/09/17-01:52 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use khuram spec files which does a proper source build | 2019/09/17-01:52 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README with distros supported for dnf install | 2019/09/17-01:52 null | [Nikhil Thomas] Fix CI breakage | 2019/09/19-23:57 null | [Andrea Frittoli] Fix the logs command when creating a pipelinerun | 2019/09/20-01:57 null | [16yuki0702] Adding missing copyright header | 2019/09/23-04:47 null | [danielhelfand] correct copr package section typos | 2019/09/23-08:38 null | [danielhelfand] align pipeline describe output with other describe commands | 2019/09/24-04:58 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add no colour option | 2019/09/24-05:24 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable nocolour test | 2019/09/24-05:24 null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Generate documentation | 2019/09/24-05:24 null | [danielhelfand] align output with task describe command | 2019/09/24-05:36 null | [cappyzawa] fix misspell based on https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/tektoncd/cli#misspell | 2019/09/24-06:20 null | [danielhelfand] add check to taskrun cancel for already executed taskrun | 2019/09/24-07:56 null | [Pradeep Kumar] Common method to get last run for a pipeline | 2019/09/24-08:17 null | [Pradeep Kumar] correts imports order | 2019/09/24-08:17 null | [Andrea Frittoli] Improve the error message on pipeline create | 2019/09/24-09:40 null | [Andrea Frittoli] Fix the logs command when creating a pipelinerun | 2019/09/24-09:40 null | [danielhelfand] add check to pipelinerun cancel for already executed pipelinerun | 2019/09/25-09:11 null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to 0.7.x | 2019/09/25-10:02 null | [Vincent Demeester] bump github.com/AlecAivazis/survey/v2 to v2.0.4 | 2019/09/25-10:02 null | [Khurram Baig] Add Vendored Dependencies to RPM Spec | 2019/09/26-03:03
New version v0.3.1 COMMITS: 2ee8747 | Add ZSH completion on delete commands | Tue Sep 3 04:46:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] 93726c1 | Add version to release tarball | Tue Sep 3 06:42:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] 0938960 | Fix mispell pipelinerune => pipelinerun | Tue Sep 3 07:41:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] f313863 | updates README to refer 0.3.0 release | Tue Sep 3 10:45:08 2019 -0500 | [email protected] e3c6116 | Add chmouel as an OWNER 🎉 | Tue Sep 3 11:26:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] d481133 | Remove pwittrock | Tue Sep 3 11:26:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] 10ef38f | add unit tests for sort prs and trs | Tue Sep 3 11:52:05 2019 -0500 | [email protected] 35b1ede | Uncapitalize error strings | Wed Sep 4 04:14:06 2019 -0500 | [email protected] a331c11 | Remove the VERSION generation from goreleaser | Wed Sep 4 04:28:06 2019 -0500 | [email protected] a4e0829 | Add release script | Wed Sep 4 08:24:06 2019 -0500 | [email protected]
Make the resource and param input interactively This will add the feature of resource and param input interactively based on the pipeline spec. If user has privded resource or param input by flag then interactive terminal will not start Also support param as both array and string Add respective test and docs