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Forked from alexafleming/pg-express-tourmalineJavaScript UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
flutter Public
Forked from flutter/flutterFlutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
Dart BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedNov 8, 2021 -
Hacktoberfest-Flutter Public
Forked from mhmzdev/hacktoberfest-flutterFor all the Flutter developers out there make your first Pull Request and earn a free Tee from GitHub!
Dart MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2021 -
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Daily-Fantasy-Baseball-Contests-in-DraftKings Public
Forked from zlisto/Daily-Fantasy-Baseball-Contests-in-DraftKingsThis is the code for constructing a portfolio of lineups for DraftKings baseball contests with a top heavy payoff structure. This code is based on the paper Picking Winners Using Integer Programmin…
Julia UpdatedDec 4, 2018 -
pydfs-lineup-optimizer Public
Forked from DimaKudosh/pydfs-lineup-optimizerDaily Fantasy Sports lineup optimzer for all popular daily fantasy sports sites
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2017 -