A General-purpose Person Re-identification Task with Instructions
Code for paper : An Effective Data Augmentation for Person Re-identification. By providing this code, you can simply verify the validity of the method proposed in the paper.
[CVPR2023] Twins Contrastive Search of Multi-Scale Interaction for Object Re-Identification
The project of "An Open-World, Diverse, Cross-Spatial-Temporal Benchmark for Dynamic Wild Person Re-Identification"
Image augmentation for machine learning experiments.
⛹️ Pytorch ReID: A tiny, friendly, strong pytorch implement of person re-id / vehicle re-id baseline. Tutorial 👉
[NeurIPS 2022] Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer
Advanced AI Explainability for computer vision. Support for CNNs, Vision Transformers, Classification, Object detection, Segmentation, Image similarity and more.
This is Top 3 Code for the Person ReID Compitition of NAIC
The 3rd Place Submission to AICity Challenge 2020 Track2
[ICCV-2021] TransReID: Transformer-based Object Re-Identification
Multi-level network clustering based on the Map Equation
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
Unsupervised Pre-training for Person Re-identification (LUPerson)
Implementation of popular deep learning networks with TensorRT network definition API
A simple method for face alignment based on wingloss and mutitask learning :)
Code for 3rd Place Solution in Face Anti-spoofing Attack Detection Challenge @ CVPR2019,model only 0.35M!!! 1.88ms(CPU)
ChaLearn Face Anti-spoofing Attack Detection Challenge@CVPR2019
Facial Landmark Detection based on PyTorch
💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型)
Retinaface get 80.99% in widerface hard val using mobilenet0.25.
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++