linkedin-search is an OSINT tool built for Node.js Search LinkedIn for user accounts by email address.
$ npm install linkedin-search -g
In order to search for user accounts using an email address, you need to be logged into LinkedIn with a valid account. You can use any account for this as long as you have the username and password.
$ linkedin --help
Usage: -u <yourEmail> -p <yourPass> -f <emailToFind>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-u, --username Your LinkedIn username for authentication [string] [required]
-p, --password Your LinkedIn password for authentication [string] [required]
-f, --find Email to search for LinkedIn account [string] [required]
$ linkedin -u [email protected] -p mypassword123 -f [email protected]
linkedin-search returns an object if a user account was found:
email: '[email protected]',
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Smith',
location: 'Los Angeles, CA',
profile: ''
MIT © Tyler Colwell