League of Legends OTP Tracker (Final DSA Project)
Overview The League of Legends OTP (One Trick Pony) Tracker is a tool designed for avid League of Legends players and enthusiasts. It acts as a specialized search engine that allows users to search by summoner name to identify their most played champion - essentially, their OTP. The project aims to analyze and compare these champions across a comprehensive database to rank and provide insights on the best OTPs in the game.
Summoner Search: Users can search for a summoner's name to find out their most played champion.
OTP Analysis: The tool analyzes the summoner's gameplay history to determine their OTP.
Ranking System: OTPs are ranked based on a variety of criteria, including win rates, popularity, and performance metrics.
Database Comparison: Individual OTP data is compared against a massive database for a comprehensive understanding of champion mastery within the game's community.
How to Use Enter the summoner's name in the search bar. The system will process the most played champions and determine the OTP. View detailed statistics and rankings for the identified OTP. Compare these statistics against broader community data. Contributing We welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:
Acknowledgments Thanks to Riot Games for providing the League of Legends API. Shoutout to the League of Legends community for continuous support and feedback.