Deck has five colors (red,white,yellow,green,blue). Each color has card values 2-10 and 3 handshakes (HS).
Game is played with a center/common board that lays out each of the colors. Players can discard a card by playing it face up on the matching color. Players can play a card by placing it face up on the matching color on their side of the board -- this is called starting an expedition. Card values must be played in ascending order (but not necessarily sequential). Handshakes count as the lowest value, so must be placed first.
On a players turn, they must first play or discard a card, and then draw a card either from the deck or from the discard.
Both players start with 8 cards!
Each expedition starts with a value of -20. The value of the expedition is the sum of the values of the cards played on it. Handshakes will double,triple or quadruple the point total if 1,2, or 3 handshakes are played. The handshake multiplayer is applicable for positive or negative point values.
On players turn, they will select 0 to discard a card, or 1-5 to play in one of those spots.
All AI classes need to implement a computerMakeMove("PlayerStrName",P1Hand,community) method.
Make it web based --