As a dedicated UI Architect, I spearhead the pursuit of excellence in UI architecture, delivering impactful results for projects and teams through innovation and meticulous attention to detail.
I specialize in:
- HTML, CSS, & JavaScript (ES6+)
- Advanced User Interface (UI) Architecture
- User Experience (UX) Design & Development
- Technical & Content SEO
- Responsive Design
- Accessibility
- Advanced Focus on Maintainability w/Simple, Readable CODE
const About_Me = {
Code: { 'JavaScript', 'HTML', 'CSS' }, // The latest version(s)
Technologies: {
CSS_Processors_and_Frameworks: { Sass, Less, Tailwind, Skeleton, Boilerplate },
JS_Libraries_and_Frameworks: { ReactJS, TypeScript, Angular, jQuery, D3 },
Toolbox: { iTerm_Terminal, VSCode, Confluence_Jira_Trello, PhotoShop_Sketch, Slack_Discord, GitHub_Bitbucket, Workday, Scrum_Master, Agile_Methodologies }
Experience: {
Established: "2009: I began working on global and household names in '09 and haven't stopped since. In fact, I received job offers and was hired before completing a degree in computer science – even before actually applying anywhere.",
Projects: {
- Fin_Tech: { 'SoFi' },
- Analytics: { 'Adobe', 'Observe Point' },
- Agencies: { 'Hydro Studios', 'Love Communications', 'Rain' },
- Brands: { "Arby's", "Campbell's Soup", "PepsiCo", "USGA (US Golf Assoc.)", "V8 Juice" },
Summary: "I enjoy and specialize in front-end tech: graphical user interface (GUI/UI) architecture, HTML, CSS/Sass, JavaScript, RESTful APIs, responsive design/layout, user experience (UX), quality assurance (QA) and testing, test-driven development (TDD) with Jest, Enzyme, and Cypress."