Static recompilation of Majora's Mask (and soon Ocarina of Time) for PC (Windows/Linux)
APISR: Anime Production Inspired Real-World Anime Super-Resolution (CVPR 2024)
ModSDK - a modding toolkit to create mods for Crash Team Racing in C. This repository also houses an effort to fully decompile and reverse-engineer CTR in C.
A CLI tool that finds a needle (opening/intro and ending/credits) in a haystack (TV or anime episode).
Efficient CPU/GPU ML Runtimes for VapourSynth (with built-in support for waifu2x, DPIR, RealESRGANv2/v3, Real-CUGAN, RIFE, SCUNet and more!)
[ECCV 2024, Oral] DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors
Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
Using VapourSynth with super resolution and interpolation models and speeding them up with TensorRT.
Efficient immutable updates, 2-6x faster than naive handcrafted reducer, and more than 10x faster than Immer.
A blazing fast AI Gateway with integrated guardrails. Route to 200+ LLMs, 50+ AI Guardrails with 1 fast & friendly API.
Playing Pokemon Red with Reinforcement Learning
Code and data for ICCV23 work "Deep Geometrized Cartoon Line Inbetweening"
A Python library powered by Language Models (LLMs) for conversational data discovery and analysis.
A guidance language for controlling large language models.
Reverse engineered code from the US Release of Digimon World. A bit messy, mostly for having it available online.
3D puzzle game restored from ashes (code base)
CAIN, Channel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation implemented with ncnn library
Source code for AAAI 2020 paper "Channel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation"
ECCV2022: Improving the Perceptual Quality of 2D Animation Interpolation
Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
Video Frame Interpolation & Super Resolution using NVIDIA's TensorRT & Tencent's NCNN inference, beautifully crafted and packaged into a single app
libstardustxr, written from scratch blazingly fast in Rust!
matrix (web-based green code rain, made with love)
A collection of state-of-the-art video frame interpolation (VFI) methods.
The code for CVPR21 paper "Deep Animation Video Interpolation in the Wild"