A tool for presenting complex climate data in a format that is useful for rightsholders, stakeholders and land managers.
Install nvm on your workstation if you have not already:
Then run:
$ nvm use lts/fermium
$ npm install
The following command should be run only during the initial setup of the S3 bucket. Do not run this command again or it will wipe out the S3 website redirection rules.
aws s3 website s3://northernclimatereports.org/ --index-document index.html --error-document index.html
Website redirection rules need to be added to the S3 bucket for data to hydrate properly when a report is referenced directly by its URL (permalink).
From the AWS web interface for the S3 bucket, go to:
Properties → Static website hosting → Edit
In the "Redirection rules" text area, add the following:
"Condition": {
"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": "404"
"Redirect": {
"HostName": "northernclimatereports.org",
"Protocol": "https",
"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "#!/"
"Condition": {
"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals": "403"
"Redirect": {
"HostName": "northernclimatereports.org",
"Protocol": "https",
"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith": "#!/"
Code in components/App.vue
catches and routes these redirects into fully
hydrated report pages.
The following environment variables can be set to change the API and map service endpoints:
Environment variable | Default |
GEOSERVER_URL | https://gs.earthmaps.io/geoserver |
RASDAMAN_URL | https://zeus.snap.uaf.edu/rasdaman/ows |
SNAP_API_URL | https://earthmaps.io |
Serve with hot reload at http://localhost:3000:
$ npm run dev
Set environment variables if necessary, then run:
$ npm run generate
$ aws s3 cp dist s3://northernclimatereports.org/ --acl public-read --recursive
You will also need to invalidate the CloudFront cache for northernclimatereports.org. Find the distribution for northernclimatereports.org in the AWS CloudFront web interface, then go to:
Invalidations → Create invalidation
Use the following CLI command:
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution_id EZEXS6RHS812M --paths "/*"
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.