Branch | Master | Development |
Build Status: | ||
Ansible Version: | ||
Statistics: |
- 10 - Buster
- 9 - Jessie
This role has no variables.
An example playbook with all the variables can be found called example-playbook-nginx.yml
or here:
- name: UbzyHD.NGINX Example Playbook
hosts: all
order: sorted
gather_facts: true
any_errors_fatal: true
- name: UbzyHD.NGINX Example Playbook | Pinging hosts.
action: ping
- name: UbzyHD.NGINX Example Playbook | Install Python if not already present.
raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal)
changed_when: false
- name: UbzyHD.NGINX Example Playbook | Gather facts after Python is definitely present.
- ubzyhd.nginx
This role was created by Ubzy
Jeff Geerling:
Without using his roles as the basis for mine, it wouldn't have been possible for me to create them.