UDS is a tool to split files into base64 parts small enough to fit inside a Google Doc. Compatible with Python 3+.
- Store and list files in UDS format
- Reassemble files to their original format
- Size of the encoded file is always larger than the original. Base64 encodes binary data to a ratio of about 4:3.
- A single google doc can store about a million characters. This is around 710KB of base64 encoded data.
- Some experiments with multithreading the uploads, but there was no significant performance increase.
- Head to Google's API page and enable the Drive API
- Download the configuration file as 'client_secret.json' to the UDS directory
> python uds.py push Ubuntu.Desktop.16.04.iso
Ubuntu.Desktop.16.04.iso will required 543 Docs to store.
Created parent folder with ID 1fc6JGpX6vUWiwflL1jBxM1YpuMHFAms8
Successfully Uploaded Ubuntu.Desktop.16.04.iso: [██████████████████████████████] 100%
> python uds.py list
Name Size Encoded ID
------------------------ ----- --------- ---------------------------------
Ubuntu.Desktop.16.04.iso 810 MB 1.1 GB 1fc6JGpX6vUWiwflL1jBxM1YpuMHFAms8
> python uds.py pull
Downloaded Ubuntu.Desktop.16.04.iso: [██████████████████████████████] 100%